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~Cloud's POV~

I feel the hair on the back of neck stand on end as her cold fingers brush over an old scar. I feel like I'm cold, but I'm so very warm on the inside. A shudder racks down my spine. It's like fever, only I'm sick with love and not a virus. I guess should could call love a virus of sorts, but it's more an incurable disease than the common cold. I'm not sure how we went from nightmares to this, but I'm enjoying it. Yuffie mumbles something incoherent against my lips and then pushes me back so that I fall backward onto the bed.

"Okay, that's too far," I voice says and we both jump, turning to see Vincent grimacing at us. Yuffie blushes and crawls off me while I sit up awkwardly.

"Why are you over here?"

"You two were being... Loud," he frowns.

"Um..." Yuffie raises an eyebrow.

"No! I didn't mean like that!" He protests and I roll my eyes.

"Suuuure you didn't."

"You're making this more awkward than it has to be," my friend groans, covering his face.

"Go away, Vince," I scoff.


"That was awkward," Yuffie states, staring at her lap.

"Yeah, it was," I sigh, resting my chin on her shoulder. I realize she's not staring at her lap, but at the sparkling ring I gave her. Smiling, I put both my arms tightly around her waist.

"You like it?"

"Mhmm," she nods, her eyes flickering to mine.

"We could always go back to want we doing before," I offer hopefully.

"Nah, I don't think so."

"Aw. Why not?"

"It lost it's fire," she shrugs with a smirk. "Besides, we don't want your incurable disease to take over, do we?"

"...I said that out loud?" I flush red.

"You'd sounded like some sort of philosopher," she giggles.

"Shut up. That's just how I think," I roll my eyes.

"I liked it," she turns her head and smiles at me. I smile back and peck her soft cheek.

"I know you did."

"I don't think we're not the same page, pervert," she scoffs, shoving my face off her shoulder.

"Hey! I'm sorry, geeze."

"I'll believe that when Reno cuts his pony tail off," she grumbles playfully and lays her head on my lap. I silently play with her short hair, watching the walls. If only Time materia would stop this moment and just leave it here, I would stay like this forever. Sometimes I wish I could take pictures of these perfect moments and...

"You're speaking love doctor again," Yuffie sighs. Is there a direct cord from my brain to my mouth?! "Yes. There is. Now stop speaking everything you think. I'm scared of what might come out of that mouth when Tifa walks by."

"Why would you be scared?" I frown.

"Oh you know, she and her enormous boobs and all..."


"What? You're a guy. You tend to..."

"Obviously you don't speak guy," I roll my eyes.

"Obviously," she agrees and I bend my neck so that my face is hovering over hers. A smile spreads across her face and she sighs.

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