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~Vincent's POV~

"I have a pretty good idea," I look straight into Cloud's unnaturally blue eyes. He shudders underneath my gaze and I smirk. As I tough as this guy is, he can't look me dead in the eye without getting goosebumps. I like having that power over people. Especially when I tell them I can turn into a beast. It makes me feel taller.

"Uh... where?" he asks. He saw me outside if the 7th Heaven and told me about the incidents today. I feel bad for the guy. He's had a rough life. We both have. At least I can relate to someone around here. After all he's been through, losing Aeris was not a good move for life to take. It broke him down, drove him mad until he became some super strong man that doesn't take crap and is still as sweet as can be.

"Where did you last see him?" I start.

"Back in Midgar, where we last fought." Cloud raises an eyebrow.

"Exactly. And when someone dies, where do they go?" I ignore the day dreamy look in his eye that means his mind is elsewhere. Probably Aeris's death.

"The life stream," he mutters. I snap in his face as best as I can with my gloved hand. There's no way I'm snapping with with my other hand, which is covered in metal.

"Cloud. I'm losing you, buddy."


"It's fine. Now where did you end up when you fell in the life stream?"

"Mideel..." his voice trails off and his blue eyes widen.

"Yup," I cross my arms proudly. My cell phone rings and I look down at it silently. Tifa finally convinced my to get this odd gadget and someone gave Yuffie my number. I'm going to strangle someone one of these days.

"Hello?" I say tiredly in the speaker.

"I'm after you. Tell Cloud he isn't getting away. I know where you are. And I'm preparing for a little... Visit." Then they hang up. But I stare at the phone in shock, the tiny screen telling me the call was ended.

"Who was that," Cloud runs a hand through his spikey hair, which somehow doesn't get messed up.

"S-Sephiroth," I stutter, looking dead on into his eyes again. But this time, I'm not the one making him shudder.


~Tifa's POV~

"We have to be prepared for anything," Cloud says loudly to be heard throughout the whole cockpit. I nod and look through the materia chest Yuffie brought along.

"Cid and Red are coming with me," he says. "Tifa, Cait Sith, and Barret are in a group," he continues. "And... Um, Yuffie and Vin," he adds quietly.

"You're kidding me," Vincent looks up and glares at Cloud, who ignored his complaint.

"What?!" Yuffie yells. "Why?!"

"Because you guys make a good fighting team, that'd why," Cloud reasons as she huffs and plops back down to her curled up to position. At least nature knows what she deserves. I smirk and look at poor Vin. Regardless of how much they dislike each other, they do make a good team. Vincent's Death Penalty is good for both close and long range fighting, while Yuffie specializes in throwing her Shuriken, Magic, and if the enemy gets too close, she pulls the two knives that pin her short hair back out and fights with those. In have to admit, sometimes I'm jealous when incomes to weapons, all I get are gloves, but that's what I'm good for, I guess. Punching people in the face.

"Oh get over it, you little girls," Cid scoffs.

"Thanks for recognizing my gender, but that doesn't exactly help in this situation," Yuffie rolls her eyes.

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