Part 4: Promise Me.

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                                                                Ariana's Pov

(Author's Note: I am skipping the part where Ariana is in the hospital for a week.)

Yes! Finally, I am out of the hospital and my foot and hand are healed! Niall was waiting in the waiting room.

"Hey Niall." I greeted.

"Hey, so are you feeling better?'" Niall asked, looking up at me.

"Yeah, and thanks for staying here with me this whole week."

 "No Problem.'' He said with a smile on his face.

"So..... What's up?" I awkwardly asked, unnable to think of anything to say.Niall grinned up at me. "Well I was thinking if you wanted to go on that first date . If you dont want to it's f-"

 "I would love to" I said cutting him off.

And with that he had a huge smile on his face.Niall dropped me home so i could get ready.I took a shower then put it up in a Ponytail with a pink sparkly bow in it. Then I put on some perfume and a pink dress on.

I was just about to text Niall When someone knocked on the door. I went downstairs and opened it

I was surprised to see Niall,"Oh hey Niall i was just about to text you."

He chuckled,"Oh my gosh, you look beautiful." I blushed. "Thank you, and you look handsome."

We Left and I was waiting to see were he took me. He opened the door and i went outside 

I gasped at the scenery. We were at a hill top and a small table with a white cloth was set along with  plates, cups, and lanterns surrounded. Niall pulled the chair for me and I said thank you. We had our very own servers who served us amounts of Spaghetti and sparkling juice. It tasted amazing.

Niall's Pov

We talked about her show and my concerts and stuff and then we finished eating. She told me if we could go to the nearby park.When we got there, she stood there looking at a tree.

"Niall," She said. " Yes, beautiful" i answered. She gigled. "This is a tree (when I visit england) that i come to when I'm sad. It is were I get rid of all my bad's my favorite tree" she said looking me straight in the eye.

"Well can i make you have a good memory here?" I asked. She stared at me with a confused look plastered on her face. "Niall what do you mean by me hav---" I leaned in and kissed her."Oh" She said and laughed. She returned me a kiss. Its the first time we kissed!

" Can you promise me Something" She asked, after our small kiss which she was blushing like a tomato.

"Sure what is it love?" 

"Well ever since i was 1O i started dating boys and had never even kissed none and all of them had broken my heart...... I just want to know if you promise not to cheat on me." She said seriously. I love her. 

"I promise" I said with a smile showing my white clear braces. She smiled and gave me a hug. She smelled very good.

"OH Dammit!" I said. "What." She asked letting go of me.

I forgot to give her the ring i bought for her. In side it was carved, Niall And Ariana Forever and Always<3'

"I have something for you" I pulled it out and gave it to her.

" Oh my goodness Niall, you Are the best."

" Its a promise ring i have one too see," I showed it to her."As long as we always have it on we will always be together." With that she gave me a Kiss on the lips and said," I love you."

" I love you too." I said.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey There i just wanted to say sorry for not uploading i have been busy on my new story. I will try to Update every Friday or Thursday:) Love Ya

I Knew She Would Be Mine (Niall Horan/Ariana Grande Love Story) *Complete* Book1Where stories live. Discover now