Chapter 33- Bees

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Jared rises to his feet in one fast motion. I watch as his fists clench tightly together. Cole's eyes lock with mine. The bruises are still littered across his face.

"What are you doing here?" Jared demands, his voice still and intimidating.

Cole glances at him, his face slowly becoming paler. The tension burns my chest worse than the fire, and I'm left speechless, awaiting the disaster that is about to happen.

"I came to check on Y/N." Cole replies simply, his voice inflicting opposite emotions from his features. He stands tense, his posture nervous, yet his voice is calm. His eyes dance across my body, taking in all my injuries. Jared steps closer to him, and Cole remains with his feet planted.

"Leave." Through gritted teeth, Jared opens the door behind Cole. He does not move.

"Cole," I say quietly, "I'm okay. Just- just go." His eyebrows knit in anger as he averts his attention back to Jared, who hasn't taken his eyes off Cole the entire time.

"You're going to get her killed one day. You're no good for her." With that, he turns and storms out of the room.


I sign my release papers and grab my belonging that the hospital kept safe for me. Jared is waiting outside in his car, but I can't stop thinking about Cole. Was that the last time I'll ever speak to him? Things will never be the same as they were before we slept together. They have been different since he and Jared fought.

I step outside, and a swarm of paparazzi crowds me. Hundreds of flashes blind me. Raising my hand to block my eyes, they all call out questions as I try to make my way through them.

"Y/N! Y/N! Are you and Jared still together?!"

"Is it true that you're pregnant?!"

"Did you start the fire?!"

Every direction I turn I'm trapped, "Move!" I shout. I've never been swarmed by them alone. Tears threaten to spill my eyes, I just want Jared, "Please!"

They close me tighter in their circle, and my head begins to pound as my heart beat becomes fiercer. The flashes begin to make me dizzy. Suddenly, I hear the loud engine of Jared's Camero.

"Back up! Back up!" Jared shouts somewhere in the crowd. Bodies move side to side at Jared's hand and suddenly he's in front of me, rescuing me from the hoard.

Rushing to the car, we jump in and drive off.

"I've never been through that alone." I mutter, resting my elbow against the window for my hand to cradle my head. My eyes fall shut as I try to smooth my headache.

"They're like bees when someone disturbs their best." Jared mutters in response, reminiscing of his own encounters with paps.

I start to giggle, which turns into a laugh. A small smile forms on his lips as he glances over at me, his blue eyes bright again,"What?" He asks, a chuckle escaping him.

"It's true!" I laugh, "Where are we even going?"

"An open house." He responds, the smile never leaving his lips. He grabs my hand and kisses my knuckles, "This is a new start for us. Nothing will come between us again."

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2019 ⏰

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