Chapter Seven~ Google Me

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"So, tell me a little about yourself." Jared says as our food is placed down in front of us.

"There's not a lot to tell really. I mean, I'm 23, I've been in four films-"

"No, tell me things I can't find on the internet." He interrupts enthusiastically.

"O-oh. Um, I play a few instruments... I have a cat named Tink, I'm pretty bad at cooking.... uh, I like to draw, and my favorite movie is (your favorite movie.)" I say what comes quickest to mind, feeling kind of stupid. Like I said, not much to tell.

"Really? I love that movie!" Jared exclaims after taking a bite of his veggie burger.

I smile, happy that we actually have something in common and I'm not completely a fangirl with high hopes. We continue talking about the movie for a couple minutes until a girl, who looks not too much younger than me, approaches our table, phone in hand.

"H-hi. I don't mean to interupt your l-lunch, but I'm a big fan and I was- well I- can I get a picture with you quick?" She asks Jared nervously. Is that how I was when we first met? I know it was only last week, but I was a mess.

Jared looks up at her with a smile, "Well, first you have to tell me your name."

Her eyes widen, "My name is Livy."

He stands up, "Of course you can get a picture, Livy." She smiles as Jared wraps his arm around her shoulder as she holds her phone up. The two smile into the camera as she takes a few pictures. I feel kind of awkward watching, but he's so kind to his fans.

Livy slides her phone into her purse and Jared pulls away, the smile remaining on his face, "Thank you. It was really nice meeting you. Can't wait for your next album." She rambles excitedly.

"It was nice meeting you, Livy. Thanks." Jared replies before Livy walks off to a table with, I'm assuming, her friend.

Jared sits back down.

"You're really good with your fans." I comment, absentmindedly.

"Well, they are the reason I'm living the life I am. I owe them so much for getting me here." He explains, still smiling. Damn, he's so... so perfect.

"So, how about you?" I ask, even though I probably know everything he'll tell me.

"Google me," He laughs, "My whole life is on the internet."

I rest my chin on my hand, "But I want to hear it from you."

He smirks and pulls out his phone, reading his Wikipedia bio.

I raise my eyebrows, "Wow. That's twice today, you're a dick."
He slaps his hand on his chest, "I am offended."


He starts chuckling and shaking his head.


He looks back into my eyes, "Well, I don't know about you, but I have this thing called a soul, and my soul provides me with things called emotions, and when I find something funny, I laugh." He mocks a white girl, stretching out his words and raising the pitch of his voice.

I let out a high giggle, quickly covering my mouth, embarrassed of how loud I just was.

"That was cute." Jared chuckles, finishing up his burger.

God damnit.

Why does he have to do that? Make me all blushy and feel like I matter when in all reality we're just two people trying to get to know each other for work. I keep letting my fangirl side convince me we're on a date, but we're not, and we never will go on a date. I'm just a freak girl who lucked out with getting a role in a movie. I'm not important. He's probably just being nice to me out of pity.

"Y/N... you look a little pale. Are you feeling okay?" Jared's voice echoes.

Out of nowhere, my body starts shaking, my heart rate increases, and tears spring to my eyes. I feel people watching me. I glance around and see the costumers multiply, all of them giving me judgemental looks.

My vision blurs from my tears, and I feel two hands grip onto my arms, pulling me out of my seat. I balance myself on my feet, fighting the dizziness I feel. I look up, seeing the blurry outline of Jared as he carefully guides me out of the restaurant. He walks me out and we sit down in the back seat of his car. All I can do is concentrate on breathing, even though it feels like no air whatsoever is reaching my lungs.
Jared's hand finds its way to my cheek, stroking it softly, "Shh. Listen to my voice. You're going to be okay. Take a deep breath in," he inhales and I mimick, "and let it out," he exhales, and I mimick once more. We do this a few more times, and the fear of not being able to breath settles the attack a bit, "I believe in you. Everything is going to be okay."

I let out a shaky breath as I scan his ocean eyes. My bottom lip trembles as more tears fill my eyes. I just had an anxiety attack in front of my idol. My chest hurts. He inches closer, concern plastered on his face.

"I-I have to g-go, Jared." I wipe my cheeks with my jacket sleeve and rush out of the car, running over to my own. There isn't a large enough word to describe how pathetic I feel.

I start my car, taking a little bit of comfort at the roar of the engine, knowing it'll take me far away from here. I speed out of the parking lot, focusing hard on the road to make sure I don't get in an accident with all of my nerves screaming in my ears.

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