Chapter 10~ Awkward

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(Your POV)




I feel a mixture of all three until I open my eyes, shock taking over.

All I see is the red of Jared's shirt. I look up, now seeing his sleeping face. I feel his arms wrapped around me.

Do I get up?

What if he wakes up?

Oh, god.

He stirs in his sleep, and I instinctively freeze, but his eyes flutter open and immediately lock with mine.

My heart pounds hard in my chest, and I can feel it in my ears.
Now do I get up?


"Hey..." He whispers, a tension forming.


He lets me go, and the two of us sit up, "I guess you don't remember what happened last night." He says while stretching.

My eyes go wide, "Wha- we didn't fuck did we?"

In any other circumstance, I would be thrilled to have sex with Jared Leto, but that is definitely something I would want to remember.

He chuckles and scratches the back of his neck, "Uh, no. We didn't. As you know, you fell alseep after the movie, so I was gonna leave 'cuz I didn't want to be a creep or anything, but when I was getting up to go, you grabbed onto me and asked me to stay. You were half asleep, so I'm not suprised you don't remember. Sorry if I, uh, made you uncomfortable."

I release a quiet sigh of relief. I don't remember asking him to stay, "No, I'm not uncomfortable. Sorry that I put you in an awkward position."

"At least you kept me warm." He jokes, running his hand through his messy hair.

I force a chuckle, my face turning red from embarrassment, "So, uh, you want cereal or somethin'?"


"Y/N! Jared!" Max exclaims as we walk into the meeting room.

"Morning." Jared beams back with a smile. I just wave as we sit down in our usual seats.

Max looks around, "Looks like we're just waiting for Zac." He says to himself.

I pick at my nails to occupy myself.

Shailene walks over and crouches down next to me, "You two looked cute cuddled up." She whispers with a giddy voice.

I choke on air, and my eyes go wide, "What? How did-"

"Oooooohhh. Jared didn't tell you. Gotcha." Her eyes wonder over to Jared, who's scrolling through Instagram.

"What do you m-"

"Check his Twitter." She whispers before running back to her seat.

I quickly glance at Jared then pull my phone out of my pocket, going onto Twitter. I go onto his account.

@jaredleto: ever been in an oddly comfortable sticky situation?

Beneath is a selfie with me sleeping on his chest. It was posted at 1:00 a.m.

"Dick!" I whisper shout in his ear.

"12 inches. Thanks for noticing." He responds, still glued to his phone.

I try not to laugh, "Very funny, five dollar foot long, but I saw what you posted!"

"I don't post dick pics."

I roll my eyes, "Stop talking about your man parts! I'm talking about the picture of us cuddling!"

"Yeah, and? You looked too cute to not take a picture." He says blankly.

My face heats up and my mind blanks, "Oh- uh, thanks?"

He just lightly nudges my arm.


(Jared's POV)

I watch as the costume director, Danny measures Y/N's waist. I don't like him touching her, even if just the tips of his fingers graze her shirt. I'll cut his fucking hands off.

Y/N laughs at something he says, and I clench my jaw. She laughs harder at my jokes, but I just... don't like their friendliness towards eachother.

Danny moves down to her legs, and I stand up when he wraps the measure around her thigh. I walk out of the room and go outside, breathing deeply.

If I stayed in there any longer, I would've definitely lost my cool and drop-kicked the hell out of Danny.

What's going on with me? I don't understand why I'm this upset. With a sigh, I grab my pack of cigarettes and place one in between my lips, lighting it and taking a deep drag.

"Hey, Jared!" Kate exclaims as she gets out of her parked car from across the lot. I wave back, exhaling the smoke.

She struts over to me, her blonde curls bouncing, "You look stressed. Everything okay, love?"

"Yeah," I take another drag, "I'm good. Thanks, Kate."

She glances around, "Where's Y/N? You two seem to be attached by the hip lately." She asks in a polite manor.

I flinch, my jaw clenching again, "Danny's in there feeling her up and down." I mutter.

Her eyebrows raise, and a smirk forms on her lips, "Looks to me like you're a little jealous, Leto."

I shake my head quickly, "I-I'm not-" Am I jealous? Is that why I want to rip Danny's head off when he's withing 100 yards of Y/N?

"Shailene thinks you two would make a great couple. So do I, but if you're interested in someone your age, you know where to find me." She winks before heading inside.

Well, I guess that ring on her finger doesn't mean much...

Maybe I should ask Y/N out on a proper date. We've only known each other for two weeks, but I feel like I've known her forever. She's so beautiful, and she makes me happy. Plus, our characters are in a relationship, so it makes sense for us to get more comfortable around each other...I just don't want to hurt her... I do have commitment issues...

Fuck it.

One date won't kill anyone.

I stomp out my cigarette then go inside.

"Hey." I say as I approach Y/N.

"Where'd you run off to? I looked up and you were gone." She smiles.

"Oh, I went outside to smoke."

"Oh. Guess what..." Her voice is a mixture of excitement and worry.


"Danny asked me out on a date tonight!" My smile falls, and my heart beat increases to a painful rate.

"Did-did you say yes?" I try keeping my voice normal.

"Well, I didn't really know how to say no. Besides, one date won't kill anyone, right?" She shrugs.

My mouth parts slightly as I stare at her in shock.

"What?" She raises her eyebrows.

I shake my head and start backing away, "Nothing. Just...nothing."

I storm outside and run to my car.


I hit the steering wheel in frustration.

I'm too late.

You know what...

I get out of my car and go back inside, running up to Kate, "About what you said earlier... I'm interested."

A sly smile spreads on her lips, "Yeah?"


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