Chapter Eight~ I Guess I Don't Like Being Alone

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I pull into my driveway and immediately lock myself in my bedroom. Why am I like this? Why can't I just be normal? All I'm good for is spazzing in front of other people.

I jump at the sudden clap of thunder from outside.

How cliché.

More tears rush from my eyes, just like the rain sprinkling from the clouds outside. Jared probably thinks I'm a fucking loser. What he saw was some girl who randomly started crying for no reason. He doesn't know about my anxiety issues... and that I get anxious around him because I have a huge crush on him.

My head rises from my pillow at the sound of the knocking on my front door. I lay back down, but the knocking continues. With a groan, I climb out of bed, wipe my eyes with my sleeve, and slump out of my bedroom and answer the door.

My eyes widen, "D-did you follow me?"

Jared's face contorts with fear as rain drops drip from his hair, "Well- I, uh, shut up! It doesn't matter. I needed to make sure you were okay. Y/N, did I do something wrong? Is that why you left crying?" He wraps his arms around his body, and I can tell he's trying not to make it too obvious he's cold.

I look down then back up, noticing I've been making him stand in the rain. I grab onto his soaked jacket sleeve and pull him inside, "Get out of the rain, you'll get sick."

He closes the door behind him, "Thanks, but you didn't answer my question." He says gently, his eyes scanning mine.

"I'll get you a towell." I blurt, rushing off into my bathroom.

"Y/N!" I hear him call, but I know he stays still in fear of tracking mud and water throughout my house.

I lean up against the wall, feeling my chest tighten.

Just breath, Y/N. In and out. In and out.

I grab a towell from the cabinet beneath the sink, hugging it close to my chest.

In and out.

I leave the bathroom and approach Jared, who's waiting patiently by my front door. I give him the towell with shaky hands.
He wraps it around himself, "You know I won't judge you. If I did something, I-I'm really sorry. I didn't mea-"

"It wasn't you," I cut him off, avoiding eye contact, "I just have really bad anxiety." My right hand finds itself gripping my left arm awkwardly.

He looks kind of relieved, "Oh. You could've told me and we could've done something more away from people. I didn't mean to put you in an uncomfortable situation, Y/N."

"It wasn't your fault. It's really not anyone's fault but mine. I just... I guess I just think too much." I trail off, my gaze trailing down to the floor.

"Hey," Jared lifts my head with his index finger, forcing me to look into the same eyes that make butterflies erupt in my stomach everytime I look at them, "Don't blame yourself. Anxiety is something you can't control." He strokes my cheek with his hand before it falls back to his side.

Suddenly, he opens his arms. I lean in and except his hug offer, feeling the butterflies go ballistic. I've imagined this happening since I was fourteen. His clothes are cold and wet, but I feel warm. I secretly take in his scent, closing my eyes to encase the moment. Slowly, my nerves ease. His hand rubs my back, which is one of the most helpful things, in my case, that calms me when I have anxiety.

I pull away, realising we've been hugging for about two minutes. I'm so clingy, oh my god.

I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear, "Did you, um, would you want to stay over for dinner?"

His perfectly shaped lips rise into a smile, "Sure."

I take a deep breath, relieved he actually said yes, "I can throw your clothes in the dryer while dinner cooks. I have some of my dad's old clothes he gave me to use as pajamas." I offer, and he nods his head.

Suddenly, his head jerks to the floor, but his face softens, "Hello." He coos.

I look down and see Tink sitting by his feet, swatting his shoe laces aggressively. I pick her up, and she hisses, but she relaxes in my arms.

"This is Tink." I beam.

"Hiya, Tink!" He tries doing a Peter Pan impression, causing me to laugh.

I place her back on her feet, and she scurries upstairs to, I'm assuming, my bedroom. She took it upon herself awhile ago that she would sleep on my pillow instead of the little cat bed I bought her.

"So, I'll go get those clothes for you then you can change in the bathroom." I return my attention back to him instead of Tink.

He shrugs, "Okay. Thank you."

I nod in response, running up the stairs and into my room, "Asshole." I mutter at Tink, who, as I guessed, is resting comfortably on my pillow.

I open up the drawer I keep my pajamas in and grab one of my dad's old T-shirts and a pair of sweatpants. I run them back down to Jared, who takes them to change into the bathroom.

While he's changing, I migrate into the kitchen and rummage through my cabinets, trying to find something we can eat. Spaghetti will have to do. I pull out some noodles and set them on the counter.

I hear footsteps approach me from behind. I spin around and see Jared standing, his wet clothes in hand.

I reach out and take them, "You okay with eating spaghetti?" I ask as I walk into the laundry room down the hall.

"Yeah, I just can't have any meat in it." He replies, still in the kitchen.

I throw his clothes in the dryer and return to him and push myself up to sit on my breakfast bar, "I know."

"You know I'm vegan?" He raises a curious eyebrow.


I swallow, trying to play cool, "You ate a veggie burger, I just connected the little dots displayed." I shrug, even though the truth is that I heard him talk about how he's a vegan in an interview from Youtube.

"You're smart, y'know that?" He chuckles, running a hand through his hair.

Don't scream.

"You're telling that to a girl who got her tongue stuck on an icy swing set four times."

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