Chapter 11~ The Dating Game

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(Your POV)

What did I get myself into?!

'Sure, I'll go on a date with you, Danny!' Fuck, I'm stupid. I don't even know the guy!

The worst part is Jared looked so upset when I told him. I have no idea why he'd be upset, but he is.

It's only one date... not the end of the world.

With a sigh, I pull my phone out of my pocket and text Jared.

You: hey... is everything okay?

Delivered 6:05

Read 6:07

Jared: Can't talk. Getting ready for a date.


You: oh... have a good time.

Delivered 6:09

I lock my phone and reach over for Tink. She purrs as I pet her head, tears filling my eyes.

I don't even have the right to be jealous or upset.... Jared and I are just friends. I was stupid to think I actually had a chance.

My phone buzzes, and I see it's a text from Danny.

Danny: Is 7:30 a good time to pick you up?

I can't sit around and hope that my delusions become reality. I have a life, and I need to live it, with or without Jared.

You: yep. i'll be ready :)

I just finish straightening my hair when I hear a car horn beeping outside.

I take a deep breath, straighten out my dress, then go outside.
My eyebrows raise at the white Camaro sitting by the curb. The window rolls down, and I meet eyes with Jared.

"You comin'?" He calls.

I walk up to the car so I don't have to yell, "What are you doing here?"

"I told you earlier that I was getting ready for a date. Now, get in." He smirks, tapping the pads of his fingers on the steering wheel.

"I- Jared, I can't. I'm going out w-"
"Tell him you'll meet him at the club. Come on!" He cheers.

A smile forms on my face, and I get into the car.

"Look, Y/N," He strarts as we begin driving away from my house, "I know that it's literally only been a little over a week, but I know how I feel. Moral of the story- I want to get to know you better, so I'm taking you to a place I like to go that I think you'll like too. Plus, our characters are together, so it only makes sense for us to be comfortable around each other."

My heart flutters, but there is something, "What about Danny? He's supposed to pick me up in a half hour."

"You don't really wanna go out with him, do you? He looks over at me as we reach a stoplight.


"Well, no, but I don't want to stand him up." I say, choosing my words carefully.

"Don't even worry about it. Just text him and tell him you'll meet him at the club. I overheard you two talking about where you were going, so I talked to Kate. She thinks I'm meeting her there, but instead her and Danny can hook up."

The light turns green, and we start driving again, "Wow." I say under my breath, amazed at how he planned things. He really thought this through... and it was all for me.

I text Danny.

You: hey i'm not gonna be ready by the time you get here. is it cool if i just meet you there?

Danny: Yeah, that's okay! I'll see you there. Xo.

I cringe at the Xo.

"Okay. I just texted him." I let Jared know as I slide my phone into my purse.

"Perfect," He looks over at me and flashes me a quick smile before returning his eyes back to the road, "By the way, that dress isn't gonna cut it for the place we're going. I got you a more environmentally appropriate outfit. It's on the backseat."

I look back and see a grey sweat shirt and black skinny jeans, "You didn't buy those, did you?"

"Don't worry about it. I have money to burn."

I just look at him. This is literally all I've wanted since I was sixteen, and now it's actually happening. Somehow, someway, the universe gave me some luck.

"What?" He laughs.

I mentally slap myself for not realizing how long I was staring, "Nothing. Just... thank you. For the, uh, clothes."

"Like I said, Y/N, don't worry about it."


He pulls up along side a cliff the overlooks the beach.

"Wow." I say, admiring the view.

"Oh, this isn't the place," Jared replies, getting out of the car, "You get changed, and I'll go wait over there." He points to something in the distance before running away.

Oh geez.

I slide into the backseat, grabbing the clothes and ducking down. I put the jeans on first then take my dress off, quickly putting the sweatshirt on. The jeans are a little big, but they'll stay up.

I fold my dress and lay it on the seat before getting out of the car.

Jared turns around when he hears my footsteps, "Awe shit. The jeans are big. Sorry. I didn't really know your size and-"

"It's fine, J! They stay up, and at least they aren't cutting the circulation to my legs off." I flash him a smile, and it seems to calm him down a little.

"Yeah, sorry..." He trails off.

"Why do I make you so nervous?" I take a step closer to him.

"I'm not nervous." He rolls his eyes, pulling a quirky yet cute face.

"Yeah, okay." I reply sarcastically, causing him to roll his eyes again.

"Come on." He chuckles, turning and walking to the edge of the lookout.

I follow and look down over the ledge, seeing a small incline path that goes down the side of it, "Is that where we're going?" I ask.


We make our way down that path. I thought we were going down to the beach, but it turns out there's a little cave on the side of the cliff. It over looks the ocean, and the only light is from the sunset.

"Holy shit, dude. This is neat." I exclaim, staring at the crashing waves of the ocean.

"I come here for inspiration with music." He shares, sitting down.

"It's so beautiful." I whisper, getting lost in the view.

I feel his eyes looking at me, "Yeah..." From the corner of my eye, I see a small smile form on his lips.

I scooch closer to him, and he wraps his arm around me.

We talked until the sun set. By the end of the night, it felt like I've known him for years. He told me things you couldn't find on the internet. He held me when the temperature dropped. He told me I was beautiful when the stars appeared in the sky.

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