Chapter 11

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"You know its inevitable," I muttered staring into my profile in the mirror. I bent my head then cupped my hands beneath the running water then lifted to splash the cool water onto my face. I breathed in relief. It was not much but it helped some what to cool down my over heated libido. The worst part of it was that Fin wasn't even trying.

I patted down my short silver dress that hung limp on my now slighter frame. I stared regretfully at my new looks ridiculously longing for my old more impressive features. The need to strut for Fin's attention only grew with the time spent in his company. Tonight especially the strain was greater than ever. Gabriel Finien, temptation is thy name.

I shook my head at my reflection. Tonight was Friday night Pep Party. A party thrown by seniors once a month that usually got trashed by everyone. The place was swarming with kids high on drugs, booze and sex. It was a party mother would be proud of. But I was high on neither of these things. I was high on purely Fin. He was every thing. And yet nothing. Not a word or a glance did he spare me all night long. Sitting often beside me, talking to everyone around me he had not spared me glance let alone exchanged a word all night. It was well past dawn now and the party was breaking up.

Here I was huddled in the restroom trying to beef up some immunity.

"I can do this. I can do this," I muttered under my breath patting yet more cool water on my over heated cheeks.

"Hey, you're missing the party," cried Meredith barging in. She looked lovely in a sparkly pink top and denim skirt. The silver hoops in her ears bounced to the rythem of her feet as she swayed to the beat. Tapping her feet as she swung back out of the restroom without waiting for my response.

I shook my head after her vastly amused. I was more than thankful for Meredith's company for she kept Fin at bay. At least that is what I like to think so. For it made no sense otherwise. I frowned at me reflection. Fin wanted me. Not that he wanted wanted me but he wanted the power rush my maidenhead would give him. All he needed was my compliance. Yet he did nothing towards that end. He has done nothing at all. Nothing accept plague me with his constant presence and idle chit chat.

I was being gradually conditioned to crave for more of him. Always more. Needing his eyes on me. Needing he words to mean more. Personalisng every general comment he made. I knew the process I had run the course countless times before but I had always in the past pulled back at the right moment. I think I may have even had some assurance in the past that I could pull back.

But with Fin I was starting to doubt myself. No one had ever gotten this far with so little effort in the past. I wasn't sure it was all him either. What if the fault was with me? What if that concoction mother fed me made me ordinary in every way. I knew no mortal could withstand Fin. The bevy of cheer girls chanting his name with their every breath was a dead giveaway.

The door was  rapped loudly. Meredith was no doubt at the end of her thethers on the otherside. I had to get back out there. I wiped my suddenly sweaty palms and tried to arrange my scrambled thoughts for some plan of action.

I had been sitting idle enjoying my freedom. It was time I did something to mark myself a worthy adversary. I needed a game plan.

I marched out the door expecting to encounter Meredith but came face to face instead with Fin.

"Fin?" I breathed out. "Wha..what are you doing here?"

"I was wanting you," he murmured softly yet his voice carried clearly over the din to my sensitive ears.

"You wanted me," I whispered, going instantly blank, blown away by his choice of words.

"Yes, you were away... too long. I needed you back," he said simply. I blinked feeling fuzzy like the after affects of a power rush. I trembled where I stood before I shook my head slightly. I said pleadingly," You need to let me go. You and I. We're never going to happen."

He raised his hand yo gently cup my cheek. It was his first deliberate contact. The rush of pleasure that ran through me caused me to sway on my feet. It was his hands alone that held me upright. The hand on my waist burned through the fabric, skin, right to my bones and the hand on my cheeks swept back to cup the back of my head. His head dropped lower to mine till his lips rested but a hairs breath away.

Then he whispered," Never say never."

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