Chapter 1

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I turned back to face the class and that was when he walked in. I knew who he was straight away. After all these years there wasn't much that could conceal my mum's efforts at  manipulation. At least not from me. I studied his flawless looks and had to admit. Mother had out done herself. This was one fine specimen of man. But would he be my undoing? I doubt it.

The buzz that usually surrounded a newcomer was two folds. The man was afterall impressive. More than impressive. I stared keenly at his distinguished features and a thought struck me. A fallen angel? I looked away in disgust.

I watched unamused as he moved to the very back of the class to take his seat. The buzz did not fade away even as the teacher came in and rapt the board for attention.

I let my mind drift away after that. All these years of living made me a natural in whatever it was this lesson was about. I rarely if ever tuned in. I attended simply because I had to. Just like I had to live with my latest mortal Dad. Stepdad, for my mom was the Devil and she had more than her share of admirers. But she always chose an innocent for me. One who was devoid of lustfull attentions towards me. Henry my new stepdad was certainly that. He had eyes only for my mother whenever she deigned to appear and till then he simply mourned and wept for her.

I am disgusted to know that I was the reason for so many innocents falling into her trap. She could never entrust me to her usual worshippers for they would try to bed me at the very first opportunity. Then where would we all be? The demon inside me would be unleashed and the world as we know it would crumble to plague.

It was why I had so many bodyguards situated just outside the class. Nope my mother wanted me to take my rightfull place by her side but to do this I have to willingly give up my V-card and in doing so embrace the powers that were due me.

But as we all know, thanks to Peter Parker's infamous uncle, that with great power comes great responsibility. Hence, I was still a 3000 year old virgin. I have no intention of ever being reduced to leading the god dammed, anywhere.

Thankfully, the bell rang. I moved swiftly towards the exit only to que up behind the others who got there ahead.

"I'm Gabriel Finien and you're in my way," Fin said to me in clipped tones of the British that bit into me sending a sensual thrill down my spine.

I nodded to myself, yes, a fallen angel.

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