Chapter 11

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The silence is unbearable, but it is better than the alternative: talking to Arazael.

We had been cantering along on the horses for about two hours and it was already uncomfortable. At least we were in the woods. The peaceful sounds of nature help to soothe my thoughts. I focus on the smell of the wet earth from the recent rainfall and chirping of nearby birds. I notice out of the corner of my eye that Arazael is watching the forest closely. What else could there possibly be out here other than what I had found while trying to escape over the past years?

I continue to watch him. The sun casts its evening rays on his face, illuminating black strands of his silky, tousled hair. His gaze flicks to the side towards me, eyes gleaming like emeralds in the light. I quickly look forward. My back muscles ache from sitting upright so long and I fight not to slouch in the saddle, lest I appear weak. I can feel Arazael's eyes burning into the side of my head from his horse.

"We shall stop for the night in this clearing coming up." his voice startles me after the silence. I look over to him. He meets my gaze but I look away just as quick, anger brewing in my stomach at the fact that he might have called for a rest because of me. Does he think I can't handle a bit of riding? I try not to show my relief anyway.

We slow as we venture off the path slightly, the clopping of horses' feet meeting stones and mud changing into the soft whisper of grass. I dismount Thunder, stretching my legs. The clanking of the guards' armour can be heard as they dismount too and begin to set up tents and a fire. A female around my age approaches me. Her dress is a plain rose colour with a grey cloak and her black hair is tied tightly in a simple bun with some cotton strips. Her bright blue eyes glance in the Prince's direction before settling on me. She drops into a curtsey.

"My Lady, my name is Lenna Perdove, I am to be your lady in waiting for the journey." Her voice is quite but strong. I give her a small smile as she raises her head.

"Saria told me that you would be accompanying me, your lady in the castle is Lady Omanorian is she not?"

She nods her head, "She is, My Lady."

"Does she treat you well?"

Lenna's cheeks pinken as she hesitates. I nod in understanding. "Well you will have no trouble with me, I can assure you of that." She inclines her head.

I take Thunder's reigns and lead her to a nearby stream that I scented, letting her have a well-deserved drink. Lenna follows. Arazael strides over to the guards and begins to talk with them, I focus my hearing on them.

"I want at least three guards stationed around the camp at all times, there are some creatures in these forests that I would prefer not to meet tonight."

"Yes, Your Highness." they chorus in unison.

Their conversation is short and brief and then Arazael begins to make his way towards Lenna and I. I pat Thunder on the neck and tie her to the tethering pole, taking off her saddle and brushing her down.

Arazael's smooth voice reaches me. "You know someone can do that for you?"

I glare at him as he saunters to the other side of Thunder. Lenna shifts uncomfortably a couple of steps away from me, shifting her eyes to the ground.

"Well I prefer to do it myself, I don't particularly like the use of slaves." I snap.

"I won't dispute that, there is something therapeutic about brushing one's own horse." His lips tug up into a smile. I frown at him. Why is he being nice all of a sudden?

"I must admit I'm surprised, I would have thought that you were used to having everything done for you."

His smile disappears. "I would have thought that you, of all people, would understand the freedom of being able to do things for yourself, and yes, while I have grown up with servants, that doesn't mean I like using them."

His statement confuses me. It almost like he is saying he disagrees with his father's methods, but that cannot be possible. He was raised by a monster, so surely that makes him one too?

I don't reply, and frown, looking down at the brush passing over Thunder's coat. Arazael continues to watch me for a moment but then sighs.

"I will leave you alone, for the time being. Make sure you don't leave the perimeter of the camp." He turns away.

"Wait," I glance up sharply, his statement to the guards earlier still swimming in my head. Arazael stops and turns slowly. "Is it not safe in these woods?".

Arazael chuckles slightly, shaking his head. He gives me a secretive smirk as if he knows precisely why I asked that question, that I was listening in earlier.

"Well for one, you're a prisoner, remember? You can't just wander off anyway. But...yes, let's just say that I'm not the biggest threat to you out here." His statement sends cold shivers across my skin as he spins around and stalks off towards his tent. I look over to Lenna. Her skin is ashen as she scans the tree line, almost as if she's imagining the beasts Prince Arazael claims are real.

I place Thunder's brush down.

"I'm sure we'll be fine. Let's go and get settled in our tent."

She nods quickly and scurries after me as I walk towards our tent for the night, trying to listen out for even the smallest of sounds in the forest around us. But the only sounds that reach my pointed ears are the ordering voices from the guards, the clanging of metal, and the breaking of twigs under my least for now.


Hello to anyone that is still reading this, (yes I know, *gasp* I am still alive). I know it has been a while since I last published a chapter for this book, and I feel very guilty. I only have a few chapters after this drafted but I do have a vision for where I want this book to go and how I want it to end. I hope every one of you who is reading this knows how much I appreciate you as loyal readers and don't worry, I haven't forgotten. You might be few but you are mighty 😆

I hope you have enjoyed this chapter and look forward to the next one coming out next week!

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