Chapter 4

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A/N: Hey sorry for the delay, my laptop crashed so I wasn't able to update. Also this is my first story on wattpad so I am still getting used to it so thank you to everyone who has stuck with me.

Don't you just love that room?


I hear footsteps. I snuggle deeper into the warm covers trying to block out the noise. What? My eyes shoot open...where am I? I sit up slowly, my back aching. I look around wearily, rubbing my eyes. I sit in a large four-poster bed with mountains of pillows, my room. It is brighter than I would expect from this place. I stretch my arms up but stop when it causes me to hiss in pain. I gingerly peek under my nightgown, which must have been changed, and see white bandages wrapping round my back. Just then the door opens and a small girl round about my age walks in. Her brown hair is pulled up high in a plaited bun revealing her slightly pointed ears. Her chocolate brown eyes land on me and a smile lights up her rosy cheeks.

"Morning miss" she chirps placing the plate she was carrying down on my lap. It is filled with eggs and all sorts of fruits. The sweet aromatic smell wafts up to my nose and my stomach rumbles. I flush slightly.

"It's fine miss, you must be hungry."  she assures me. As a matter of fact I am, just the thought of food is enough to make my mouth water right now. Well, that's what the core can do to you.

"My name's Saria Wranlar miss, anything you need don't hesitate to ask me." She stated proudly.

"Please call me Myria," I said. I felt uncomfortable having people calling me miss. "How old are you Saria?"

"I'm a hundred and seventeen mi- Myria," she corrected.

"Could you please tell me how I ended up in my room?"

"I'm not quite sure...I was just told that I would become your lady in waiting, which is quite an honor." Saria answered. I ate my breakfast quickly, filling my empty stomach. I was lost in thought when Saria placed a hand on my shoulder. I jumped slightly, still remembering the feel of the vexan's claws.

"Your bath has been drawn." she said, guiding me to the bathroom and helping my undress. She said nothing about the bandages but quietly stirred some soothing crystals into the warm water. I gave her a thankful look and stepped into the water. I laid down as the warmth seeped into my skin. I looked at my nails and realized that I was filthy from being in the core. Heat flooded my body but Saria had already left to fetch some fresh bandages and healing ointment. I scrubbed at my face and hair with the soapy water watching as the blood and dirt rinsed out. By the time I was finished Saria was back and handed me a fluffy cream towel, which I dried myself with careful of my back. She rubbed the ointment on gently and dressed my wounds in new bandages. After my back was finished she helped me get ready. I was dressed in a green ombré day gown. Luckily it had a back so most of my bandages wouldn't show.

My feet were put in some light green slippers that were made of silk

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My feet were put in some light green slippers that were made of silk. My hair is curled so it catches the light around my waist and small tendrils are pinned up underneath a delicate headpiece letting my slightly pointed ears show a little. Saria dusted on a small amount of blush to add colour to my washed out cheeks and placed a small amount of kohl on my eyes. I hate it. I don't do pretty dresses.

I was sat reading a book when there was a knock at the door. I looked up to see Saria open the door. A male dressed in black armour peered over her shoulder to me. Saria cleared her throat and I suppressed my laugh as the male's eyes snapped to hers. She could have quite an attitude, I had gathered that in the small time I had known her. I almost felt sorry for him...almost.

"Lady Myria has been requested in the presence of the King." He said formally. Saria looked over to me as I rose from my seat by the window. I walked over to her.

"I'll return soon." I said coldly, just the thought of what the king needed me for sent a cold anger through me. Saria shut the door behind us as the male bowed.

"The name's Conall, Conall Farnan." He said as he rose from his bow. We started to walk down the corridor.

"I'm Myria." I kept my eyes forward. The male let out a low chuckle.

"I know that m'lady." He laughed. I glared at him but that only caused him to laugh harder.

"Of course you would." I mumbled. He heard that and laughed impossibly harder. Soon I started laughing as well. We were getting weird looks but I didn't mind. No one had made me feel so normal, besides Saria, in a while. I liked Conall. I could tell that we would get along just fine. The surroundings faded away as I enjoyed myself for the first time in a while. Before I knew it we had stopped in front of a grand set of mahogany doors, our laughs fading. Conall gave my hand a small squeeze before whispering 'good luck' and disappearing down the hall. I took a deep breath and pushed open the doors.

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