Chapter 3

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A/N: sorry I didn't update earlier family and I had a family day out so I couldn't write. Sorry again but I'll make it up to you by updating an extra chapter.
Now on with chapter 3...enjoy!

The sound of my feet dragging over the floor filled the dark corridor. The guards booming steps echoed, pounding into my head. My back still slowly oozed blood and the occasional drop could be heard as it dripped on the floor. We were nearing the cells of the core. It had taken half an hour to get down into the lower levels of the mountain, deep underground. The darkness had begun surrounding us within the first ten minutes. Now it was practically pitch black apart from the torches that the guards carried, casting eerie shadows over the walls. My back screeched in agony every time the guards pulled me too harshly, which was quite often. Finally the rows of cells appeared. Their wrought iron bars rusted and thick like the limbs of an old tree beckoning for company. The guard on my left, with a bald head and beady eyes, unclasps a ring of old keys from his belt. They clank together as he finds the one to my cell. We stop in front of a large cell which even the light from the torches cannot illuminate the edges of. It seems the darkness swallows everything.

The guard on the left sticks the key into the lock and turns. The door swings open with a horrible creak. I cry out in pain as they chuck me onto the floor in the middle of the cell. One guard steps forward to lock a manacle around my ankles and wrists. The cold metal biting into my already freezing skin. He lands a kick to my gut before leaving and a gasp trying to get air back into my lungs. The guards chuckles linger as they walk back down the hall way, taking the precious light with them. I curl up in a fetal position, and cry myself to sleep.

I wake up sometime later, my back still painful but no longer oozing blood, though the gashes are still open. The pitch black is everywhere surrounding me. I can't even see my hand. There are even no shadows down here, they are too frightened of the darkness. I have no sense of time. I curl into a ball in a corner trying to ignore the pain lacing my every breath. The darkness swirls around me like an endless ocean.


I wake up to a searing pain across my back, my vision blurry. A cold sweat covers me and my harsh coughs rack my body. The wounds in my back are infected, I have a bad fever. How come my fae powers aren't healing me? The question is faint in my mind and soon washed away by a fresh round of pain. Death lurks in the corner, waiting to claim me. I don't mind, I'd be glad to leave this horror. Leave the pain and the darkness. I wait for death to greet me. I hear the sound of keys and a door opening in the distance, but I don't care, I want to die. I silently beg for death. Green eyes swim into view. I recognize these eyes, have I seen them somewhere? Warm arms lift me up. That's when darkness takes me.

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