Chapter 5

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A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while but I kinda had writers block, all you writers know what I'm talking about ;) Enjoy the chapter, votes and comments are greatly appreciated.


The doors swung open soundlessly and I clenched my dress in my hands to stop them shaking, a mixture of fear and blinding anger coursing through me. I held my head high, my back ramrod straight as I glided into the throne room. I felt the cold presence of the King before I saw him. His aura and power slamming into me as hard as a brick wall. There were two other presences there as well with similar power. Together it felt like I was going to implode, my head already beginning to pound under the pressure. I walked out from behind the rows of wooden seats which were empty. I felt eyes on me as I stopped in the center of the room and I finally let my gaze lift. King Laeron was sat on the largest throne in the middle as usual, his dark eyes scanning me with disdain. However, the two thrones on either side of him were occupied this time. Queen Severa sat poised and elegant on the chair to her husbands right. Her black eyes seeming to sneer at me as she looked me up and down. Her long black-red hair glistened in the balls of fae light. She tilted her head sending it cascading over her shoulder in a waterfall of different red and black hues. Her blood red lips pulled back on her white teeth in a snarl, showing her elongated canines. She looked as if she wanted to tear my throat out there and then. But she didn't. Instead she just straightened out an invisible kink on her gown with a pale hand, nails painted red.

"Myria, my dear," I clench my jaw at the name, "thank you for coming." I didn't really have a choice now, did I?

"You called, Your Majesty." I reply instead, my voice cold and unrecognizable. King Laeron's eyes flare for a moment as if he can sense the hidden disrespect in that statement, but I remain calm not letting him see through to my inner thoughts. Even though he could probably pry into my mind anyway I still hide them. He runs a finger down the groves in his throne. The black ring seeming to swirl in the light.

"You will be seeing two prisoners soon" he says watching me carefully. For a moment I see red as my rage grows. He knows how much I hate being used like this. That is the only reason why I am kept prisoner here...for my gift. I know without it King Laeron would not be so powerful and have control over so much. That is why I am not dead already. I take a deep breath. The Queen smirks, enjoying my suffering. My nails bite into my palms.

"Yes...your majesty." I say through clenched teeth.

"Good, you will also be accompanying my son to Oyonas in two days time, there has been a bit of a rebellion that needs...subduing." He says, gesturing to his left side. Again resentment towards this, this monster, builds inside me. My gaze follows his hand until I meet green eyes. Wait. Something seems familiar about those eyes. A young man sits to the left side of the King. His eyes a bright forest green, holding no emotion as they observe me, no recognition. Maybe I was imagining things. I copy his movements and look at him. His face has a strong jawline with a tan complexion and black hair swept back formally. His eyes, so unlike his parents, are set deep in his face and look at me with no interest whatsoever. He wears a dark suit with golden embroidery. I flick my eyes up and meet his gaze. I suddenly feel angry again. I bring my gaze back to the King fire filling my gut. Fueling me. King Laeron's magic wraps around me. I almost choke at the raw power suffocating me.

"I hope you don't mind Myria." he says. I don't answer. The power squeezes harder and I grate my teeth together in an attempt to bear it. My head pounds even more, black spots appearing in my vision.

"Do you?" he questions again, daring me to say yes. The power squeezes even tighter.

"No your majesty." I grit out. The pressure disappears. I gasp for breath, almost falling, but i still have my dignity so I remain standing, shaking slightly.

"You are free to go. A guard will be sent for you in two days." He dismisses me waving his hand. I glance at the Prince. A tiny flicker of emotion is present but it soon goes out. I am escorted out of the room.

Once I reach my room I don't talk to Saria, dismissing her despite her protests. I collapse onto the bed and fall into darkness thinking about what will come in two days.


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