Chapter 10

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The crunch of pebbles underfoot is the only sound that fills the air. A solemn look donning my face as we walk to the royal stables. Strangely, my thoughts were quiet, instead, all of my energy is focused on keeping my temper at bay. My gloves clamp tightly in one hand while the other grasps my dress, not caring if it creases. I wrinkle my nose as the stench of the stables wafts by, we have arrived. I let myself smile slightly when I see the horses.

Magnificent animals. I always loved riding back....back at home. In the royal courts of Luin, my real home.

My mother -


I don't want to think about them....I shut the painful thoughts from my mind, pushing them into a dark corner where they would no longer torment me. I take a deep, shaky breath and focus on a beautiful dappled grey mare with a long, black mane. Her coat glistens like moonlight as she tosses her head defiantly up in the air, tugging against the reins in the hands of a stable boy. I walk over to the feisty animal, causing the stable boy to widen his eyes.

"You ought to stay back Miss," he was still struggling to get the horse to obey, "she's got a nasty bite." I smile gently at him.

"I don't mind, she's a beautiful creature." I reach out and take the reins from his grasp, placing a soothing hand on her muzzle. The horse eventually calms down and stares at me with her wise eyes, softly nudging my shoulder. I turn back to the boy to find him gaping at me like a fish out of water.

He recovers quickly. "Well, she certainly likes you miss."

I turn back to the horse with a soft smile. "It appears so."

The moment of tranquillity is broken with the loud voices of the Lords. It seems that the Prince had arrived. I look over to the large doors that lead to the inside of the palace. The Prince strides casually towards us, green eyes scanning the crowd that had gathered. Once he reached the Lords they all bowed. There was no change in the Prince's expression, only calm indifference. It sends a cold chill through me. As if sensing my gaze, he looks up from the bowing Lords and meets my eyes. He proceeds to ask them to rise whilst still holding my look. An involuntary shudder runs through me. I blink, breaking the contact, and returned to stroking the horse.

"I think I'll name you Thunder."

Thunder nuzzles me in appreciation of her new name. I turn back to the crowd, seeing a multitude of females vying for the Prince's absent attention. Disgusting.

If they thought that they had any chance of getting to the throne through him, then they were sorely mistaken. The Prince most likely had a betrothed. One that offered advantages to both parties in the agreement. Nevertheless, they still attempted to catch his eye, though he disappeared, if only for the sheer enjoyment of being able to brag that they had caught his attention. Their squabbling voices sends a shot of annoyance through me. I turn back towards Thunder, stroking her velvety nose.

Thunder becomes stern, staring over my shoulder at something. I grow aware of a presence, a presence which had been masked by the serenity of the stables and the squabbling of the desperate females. But his aura radiates closer than ever before now. A solid force behind me. I turn to find the Prince standing a couple of steps away. I stiffen at his proximity. I didn't even hear him approach. His eyes observe me for a moment before flicking to the stable boy who was still standing slightly away from the horse. The boy was trembling and staring at the Prince wide-eyed. The Prince clears his throat. The boy pales even more.

"I assume that my father would like for us to leave before the sun sets today." His voice was rich and smooth just like I imagine black silk would sound.

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