Chapter 6

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I wake up to the smell of a freshly cooked breakfast. I roll over onto my back and stare at the ceiling for a moment letting all that happened sink in. I have to go on a trip with the Prince and "subdue" a rebellion, I've been whipped and thrown in the core to almost die, and I've been saved by someone with green eyes that I absolutely have no idea is. Great. My life is just great. I let out a long breath and sit up. I look over to the bedside table to find a plate of steaming eggs and meat. My stomach growls. I smile slightly at the kindness Saria shows me. I prop my pillows up and lean against them grabbing the plate and beginning to scarf down the delicious food. I hear the door open and soft singing fills the room as well as Saria's sent. I stop for a minute and listen as she makes her way into the bathroom. Her voice is amazing, I didn't know she could sing like that. Yet again, I don't really know her that much. I hear her leave the bathroom and turn the corner into my bedroom, stopping dead in her tracks.

"I didn't realise you were awake yet." she says blushing.

"It's fine, you have a lovely voice Saria." I reply trying not to make her feel embarrassed.

"oh," she blushes deeper, "thank you, my mother taught me how to sing." she says quietly. I smile.

"She is a great teacher."

Saria is silent for a moment. "She's dead." she whispers, her eyes gleaming tearing up.

"I'm so sorry Saria." I say softly.

"It's ok." she replies.

"Can you tell me about her?" I ask tentatively. She nods and comes to sit on the bed.

"She was a brilliant mother. She was beautiful, she used to tell me that it was a good thing I had inherited her looks instead of fathers." she laughs a little, wiping a stray tear that had escaped down her cheek. "We used to laugh and cook together all the time. When I was younger she would take me down to the meadow near our house and sing to me while weaving flowers into my hair. As I got older I asked her to teach me, and we sung all the time." she says.

"That sounds lovely." I whisper. She nods.

"It was. But one day when we were out in the meadow, we smelt something off. My mother, she thought someone was injured so she...she went to see where it was coming from." She chokes out. Tears have begun to run freely down her face now. I put a hand on her back to comfort her.

"She told me to stay in the meadow while she went to the edge of the forest," a small sob racks her petite frame, "I didn't listen and followed her. I could hear voices and footsteps so I walked into a clearing." another sob, "a man from King Laeron's legion had her by the throat and was holding a knife up." She took deep shuddering breaths and continued.

"There was so many of them. They had come to raid our court and massacre everybody, I was so scared. I screamed and all of them looked at me. My mother saw me as one of the men started to advance towards me, she used her magic to blast away from the solider. She told me to run." Saria was shaking now. Her hands gripping the bed sheets. Tears had begun to leek down my face as well as I listened to her story.

"I just stood there and stared as she used up all her magic to try and protect me. She was pregnant and wasn't supposed to but she did. Then another man hit her with his magic and she fell. He walked up to her and lifted her by the hair. She just looked at me and mouthed that she loved me and then the man plunged the knife through her belly. I turned and I ran while the men were still getting up. I escaped but my mother was dead and my unborn baby sister. They got my father and my brother as well. Only a handful of the village survived. It was all my fault, I shouldn't have followed her." Saria broke down sobbing into her hands her shoulders shaking violently. I pushed aside the boundaries of our ranks and wrapped my arms around her in a tight hung and she nestled her head into my shoulder. I cried with her for her sad story and vowed that I would do anything to stop anything like this happening to any other families. I was going to do something.


Please comment and tell me who your favourite character is so far. (I won't judge if it is one of the antagonists ;) I have to admit I love writing them.) I know this chapter is a little early but I just couldn't resist. See you next chapter.

Bye x

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