Chapter 2

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There was only blackness. Nothing else.

My eyes open slowly and groggily, the room swimming into view. I try to lift my head but it causes a searing pain to burn down my back. My voice is too worn out by all the screaming. I must have passed out from the pain for a few moments. Someone unstraps me from the block and I slump to the floor. I'm too tired to get up. The sound of the vexan's clawed feet on the floor near but I have no room left for fear, only pain. It leans down glaring into my eyes as two guards hook their arms under mine trying to stand me up. My feet slip and I look down. The floor is covered in fresh blood. My blood. My stomach flips at the sight and I hold back my gag.

My heavy lidded reflection looks back at me, a blurry picture. Waist-length, light blonde hair ragged, and streaked with bits of leaves, dirt, and blood. My fair skin is pallid. The usually vibrant gleam in my silver ringed blue eyes is dull with pain. I look like a completely different person.

I clench my teeth together to force the pain down as the two men drag me from the room. I pass the rows of benches on which the nobles are sat, dresses of every colour swishing as they turn to watch me. The colours blur together in a sickening swirl.

I see one male looking at me differently than all the others. His emerald gaze has an edge of sympathy to it. I blink and it is gone. Replaced with the same disgust as everyone else. Did I imagine it?

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