Chapter 9

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A/N: Hey everyone...I know it's the dreaded author's note but...thanks for reading my book. I am extremely grateful if you have stuck with me and read every chapter. It really helps encourage me to write...I am new to wattpad so it is so nice to have people wanting to read my story. Votes also go a really long way so please vote if you like the chapter. Anyway...what did you think of the change in PoV? :D I had fun writing it....especially leaving it as a mystery *evil laughter* you have any ideas who it is yet?? I won't keep you any longer...without further adieu....chapter 9!!!

P.S. Who agrees with the statement above??? :)


Emotions are flying through me like an avalanche. Rage, sadness, fear, anger, hate, uncertainty, dread. All roaring around inside my head battling to get free.

It has been two days.

Today we leave for Oyonas. I am dreading every moment that's I have to spend in the Prince's presence. I can already imagine his arrogant smirks and snide remarks. It will take all of my self-control not to rip out his throat....

A sharp pain in my palm cuts me from my thoughts. My fists have been clenched so tightly that my nails have pierced the soft skin, drawing red jewels of blood. My skin knits up almost instantly due to my healing but the blood remains. I stare at it.  A memory begins to resurface in my mind, one that I don't want to see.

Blood everywhere. Screams and cries of innocent people filling my ears. The ground is washed in red. Red. A dark laugh echoes around me just as-

I jolt. Saria stands in front of me with a small hand on my shoulder and a worried expression.

"I was shaking you and calling your name but you weren't responding." She glances down at my hands.

"Here, let me." She takes my hands gently in her hold and brings out a handkerchief. Wiping at the blood she stays silent, waiting for me to talk. I decide to change the subject, I can't talk about that yet.

"Are my things ready?"

She gazes at my sympathetically, understanding the emotional conflict I am going through.

"Yes, you are leaving in 20 minutes. I'm going to miss you Myria." Silver begins to line her eyes and I quickly respond.

"Please don't cry, then I'll start crying and we'll look like a blubbering mess in front of the court."

Saria laughs loudly. The threat of tears disappearing.

"That would be disastrous. Come on, let's start walking to the courtyard." She grabs my hand, yanking me up with surprising strength and pulls me along to the door. As it swings open a surprised Conall stands there with his hand raised to knock. He quickly wipes the expression off his face as me and Saria struggle to keep in our laughter. He glares at us and that breaks our control. We laugh uncontrollably clutching our stomachs. Conall joins in too. Suddenly I sober up as I realise just what it is I am about to do. Saria and Conall's laughter dies down. We silently step into the corridor and begin the trek to the courtyard.

Once we arrive Saria stops me in the shadows and throws her arms around me in a tight hug. I return it knowing full well that we cannot show affection in front of the court. Saria's soft breath fans my ear.

"I'll miss you".

"I'll miss you too" I whisper back. Then we break apart and walk into the small gathering of courts-men, her a step behind me playing the role of the obedient ladies maid and me keeping my face blank and emotionless. A stifling lunch with infuriating men who couldn't get enough of themselves and thought that the desert they had been served was 'not sweet enough' and 'nothing that compared to the gold leafed pears they had eaten' was to follow. And to say it was horrendous was an understatement. It. Was. The. Longest. Lunch. Of. My. Life. Eventually when the pompous goons had finished stuffing their faces we could set off for the stables and prepare for the trip.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...sorry it's a bit short. Please vote and comment and I hope you have a wonderful day or night wherever you are in the world.

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