Portal Opening Day

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"Should we come get him...?" Nero asking to the other, leaning against the wall.

"Yes we should!" Rias raised her voice, her eye became glassy as it like ready to shed tear.

"We shouldn't worry about Yn." Dante said.

Rias stared at him in disbelieve, "What?! Uncle Dante, your son is out there probably swarmed by a huge amount of dangerous threat!!".

"Oh come on, Rias. You've seen him nearly kill a dragon and kill countless demon. What we should be worried about him...?" Dante show no any concern or afraid of something bad happened to his son. "Beside, It's his personal matter... More importantly, he's just facing a bunch of FBI agent. They can't hurt him.".

"But... Aren't we at least make sure Yn is safe...?" Kyrie claimed in her usual soft voice.

"She's right. But uhh... Knowing Yn that we talking about here." Nero sweatdropped due to remembering Yn reckless personality.

"Beside of worrying about Yn, there is Jalter and Mordred who was kidnapped by Yn's ex..." Kurumi reminding.

"This Yn's ex must be strong. She manage to defeat Mordred and Jalter..." Akeno assumed.

"Is she... A demon or something?" Rias questioned, staring at Dante who was probably knowing the answer.

"From what i heard from Yn, she's not. She just a human with special skill and ability." Dante answered Rias's question.

"What's her name again? Fusuki?".

"Fubuki..." Dante correcting. "She's one hell of a tough girl. There is a moment where i saw her beat Yn in a sparring...".

What Dante told about are obviously shocking everyone unless the DMC.   They're never saw Yn being beaten in a fight before, no one could. At the other side, Vergil feel his head hurt. He groaned quietly. Something seem's like drawing his attention, Vergil walked toward the window and staring at the black sky.

"This is... Curious." Vergil focusing his vision to a certain direction. What he could saw is a few lightning dancing in the sky, "Dante...".

"Hm?" Dante and the other stared at Vergil.

"I think your son are not just fighting a powerless human...".

"You're point is...?".

"He's here..." Vergil closed his eye.

//Mini timeskip by the black thunderous sky//


Here i am, on the top of the building. I was greeted by Fubuki, her back facing me. And then i could saw a some kind of portal shit in front of her, in the sky. I continued approaching my crazy ex.

"Hey, Fubuki! Your portal opening day's are over..." I stopped, "Give me my servant...!".

"If you want it, then you'll have to take it..." Fubuki turn around, smirking at me, "But you already knew that.".

"I had a feeling you'd say that..." I called d'Rebellion and caught him.

"How many times, have we fought?" Fubuki asking, smiling slightly.

"Hard to say. It's the only memory i had of us since we were dating..." I smirked and Fubuki smirk back. "Time to finished this, Fubuki. Once and for all.".

A few steel rod float above her shoulder, aiming at me. "I won't lose to the likes of you, darling.".

XxHit The Music!xX

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