Making SCENE and the MEETING

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"I told you to try a lingerie sometime..." Said Akeno.

"No, Akeno... You know that i can't sleep with clothes on?".

"Fufu, that is why Issei so clingy to you.".

"Yeah, about him. He's only want my body after all..." I muttered under my breath, honestly feel disappointed if i remembering what Issei look like.

"Hm? Something wrong, Rias?".

"N-no... Nothing,".

"Hey, Alpha..." From out of nowhere, is Jalter, "You might wanna see this...".


"Issei! Oh my devil what happened to you?!" I kneeling beside Issei who's leaning against the wall... Bloody and beaten.

"Ouch... Nothing! Hehe...".

"You remember YN Redgrave?" Jalter asking.


"He's done this. He beat the crap out of Issei and his goon...".

"What?! Why did he do that?".

"Probably because Issei talking shit about something...".

"Hang on, if you was there when the fight, why you didn't stopped them?" I narrowed my eye at Jalter who was give me a smirk.

"I actually stop them... When YN nearly killing Issei.".

"Ara ara~ if YN can make Issei like this, imagine what he can do to me~ ahh, amazing~" Akeno licking her lip, probably imagining something lewd about YN.


"That's the call... I leave," Jalter went to our class.

"How can you went into fight with YN?" I asked Issei.

"W-well... I just do my THING until he's come and lecture me for being a respectful pervert...".

" 'Respectful pervert'? What...?".

"Well, guess i need to get to my class... Ciao you two~".



I was in my way to class, i stop in my track when i saw YN sat on a chair inside the music classroom, there is no one in there unless him, his back facing me. I enter the class and patted his shoulder, "YN?".

YN turn his face--... Oh. My. Devil. Blood... There is a blood on YN cheek, i could feel my face heated up as i stared at his bloody face.

"Akeno? What are you doing here?" He asked, wiping another BLOOD on his fist.

"W-what happened to you?".

"This?" He showed his bloody fist, "Don't worry, It's not my blood. It's that pervert blood... Disgusting,".

"Yes~" i accidentally moaned, making him flinched.


"Nothing... Then how about that blood on your cheek?" I pointed my index finger at the blood.

"Oh? Blood? I don't know, probably scratch by something.".

"O-oh..." I sat on the chair beside YN and caressing his cheek with my thumb, "You're such a mess~".

"Oh--hehe..." YN face turn red, making him more cute. I move my face closer to him, and start to LICKING the blood on his mouth, "*gasp*... A-akeno...".

"Ssshh, let me clean it... Done. Ara ara~ you so cute with that blush~".

"Me? Blushing? Hell no! I never blushing..." He said in such tsundere tone.

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