The fight and the date

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XxHit The Music!xX

Xenovia make the first move. She charged at Yn and swing her sword to all direction. Yn blocked Xenovia attack and then attack back. He perform a HIGH TIME and continued by a STINGER. Xenovia manage to block it with Durandal flat side. She was pushed backward quite far.

"So tell me--!" Yn block a swing from Xenovia, "--What's your name?".

"Shut up!" Xenovia does backflip, "Take this!" She thrust her sword at Yn. He bend backward then KICK Durandal off Xenovia hand, "What?!".

Yn stood up, he use TRICKSTER style to teleport behind Xenovia. He grab Xenovia hip and then gave her a solid GERMAN SUPLEX, "Ouch! My back!" Yn groaned.

"GAAH--!" Xenovia hit her back, "I... Never saw THAT fighting style before! Who... Are you?".

"Hmm let's saved that for later. Now, let's continued what you start...!" Yn spread his arm and shrugged, "Ya' scare?" Yn taunting.

Xenovia get on her feet once again before picked up Durandal from the ground. She charged it backward and ran toward Yn, "HAAA!" She swung Durandal with all her might, breaking Yn's guard, "This. End. Now!" Xenovia use the opportunity to ending the fight. She spin 360° and managed to slash Yn's hip. Durandal became too heavy because of the spin, Xenovia accidentally let go of Durandal as it launched to a tree with Yn impaled by it.

"Uh..." Yn body became limp as blood keep coming out of his wound.


"That's what happened when you mess with the church...!" Xenovia said proudly.

"What are you thinking?!" Akeno snapped. She was about to ran at Yn until Rias stopped her, "Rias?!".

"... Stop..." Rias whispered, "He's okay...".

"Hey Xenovi--AAH! WHO IS THAT?!" Another church girl appear, she have a twin tailed chestnut hair.

Angelic church servant
Irina Shidou

"That guy over there challenged me into a fight... And as you can see, he ended up like THAT." Xenovia said, "Guess we have to--".

"Hey! Can you get this sword off me?" A voice of Yn said, gaining everyone attention, "It make me uncomfortable...!".


"ZOMBIE!!!" Irina screamed.

"Impossible... Impossible! You supposed to be dead! I just killed you!" Xenovia yelled, surprised and annoyed at the same time.

"You STAB me, not KILL me... Hey i said that before," Yn slowly pulling out Durandal from his body.

"HIIII!!!" Everyone shriek, feel's disturbed. Minus Rias and Koneko.

"Y--Yn...?" Akeno was stunned, she fall on her butt, looking at Yn with wide eye.

Yn stabbed Durandal to the ground and used it as a support to stand up, "Ah yeah... Phew, what an ordeal." He stared at Xenovia and grinned smugly, "Nice sword... But sorry, mine is better!" Yn throw Durandal at Xenovia in high speed, she grabbed it and didn't realised that Yn was already behind her ready to strike, "Jackpot!".

Yn equipped Gilgamesh and does a UPPERCUT at Xenovia, "AHH!" She was launched in the air as Yn jump as well. He does frontflip and hit Xenovia with his back leg, sending her to the ground. Yn activating Gilgamesh elbow turbo and blast at Xenovia who was laying on the ground.

"Burn up!".


Yn punched Xenovia on the stomach, taking her DOWN.

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