YN in the house

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-09:26 pm-

"Guess this is the place?" I asked Griffon, get off of Cavaliere.

"Guess yeah. Hey, how you gonna do with this one? Something new or burst with style, like usual?" Said Griffon, watching the abandoned building ahead us.

"I just gonna choose the classic burst with style..." I pulled out Dan and Verg, "Here we go...".

From the window, i could see a spark inside, i peek in and saw--oh my... Never thought they gonna be here. Rias gang was in there, fighting a demon that i guess should be my target.

"Well Griff, guess we have a party to CRASH..." I cocked Dan and Verg before went to the door.

"Ohoho! I loved this! Yaaha!".

I kicked the door away. I saw that blonde boy was about to be attacked, until i shoot the demon with Dan. The pervert Issei and the white hair loli look at me in surprised.

"Who dare to do that?!" The demon roared.

"That would be me. Mrs, mister, or whatever you are..." I calmly walked toward the demon while twirling Verg on my hand, "Kill, kill, kill... Did you guys have something to do than that?".

"Hey you! Back off! We got this!" Issei yelled at me.

"Yeah... You look's like GOT THIS." I said sarcastically, "So... Are we gonna standing here all night, or we gonna fight...? Cuz I'm ready as hell!".

Griffon then appear beside me. Ready to fight.


"We can't just stand here!" Issei yelled.

"No. We better leave this to him... Let's get outside and tell Rias about this!" Koneko and Issei went outside, "Kiba! Come on!".


"Yaaha! Hit the music!" Griffon summoning his lightning.


I pulled out d'Rebellion and perform a STINGER on the demon. The demon swung his claw as i does backflip to dodged it. Pulled out Dan and Verg i perform a RAINSTORM. He thrust his other claw at me, before it could even touch me, Griffon attack him with his lightning.

"Pleasure is mine!" I charged d'Rebellion backward and then launched a DRIVE, damaging the demon, "Don't miss this!" I equip Gilgamesh and start to rapidly punch the demon. After that i send a few powerful punch, right, left, and uppercut, launching the demon in the air.

Now i equipped Cavaliere, split it into two and jump then attack the demon with Cavaliere saw which is his tire. The demon cutted into two vertical piece. I landed before him and immediately shooting the demon with Dan and Verg, keeping him in the air.

"Now Griff...!" Griffon flew above the demon, spread his wing and...

"LIBERATING!!!" He shouted before a barraged or blue lightning strucked down the demon, burn him to death.


"Phew, what a bash..." I twirled Dan and Verg before put them back on their holster, "Guess this is what dad call easy money.".

"Y-YN...?" I turn my face to the front door and saw, Rias with her gang looking at me.

"Hey guys. May i ask why you here?" I asked, fixing my glove.

"..." They didn't say anything.

"Are you that surprised? Ahaha." I chuckled.

"Did you... Just... Kill him...?" Rias asking in a low voice.

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