Chapter 9

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"What are you doing here?" I all but hissed at him. I had been likened to a feline counterpart in the past but I no longer resembled my old self. Even so I was hard put to seeth my invisible claws.

If he wasn't so handsome. If he was just so perfect... then perhaps... just perhaps I wouldn't mind clawing at his pretty face. But he was beautiful. Almost too beautiful to behold. Terrifyingly beautiful. Besotingly so. I trembled in restraint from the urge to flung myself into his arms.

Fin didn't respond. He didn't say a word. Merely quirked a brow at me condescendingly. I got that he wouldn't budge so I decided to move on instead. Turning my nose up in the air I tucked my hand in Meredith's and went on to class with her. She chattered a dime a dozen seemingly unconcerned with the crowd that stopped to first stare at the very conspicuous Fin and then at her. I was overlooked altogether. Between these two I was a virtual non-entity. I found that this suited me just fine. So I ignored the curious stares around me and chatted amiably all the way to class.

It turned out Meredith was new at school too. At least no one seemed to recognise her but she seemed to know her way about just fine. It didn't really matter to me for she was bubbly and full of life. I felt as if I belonged. I felt appreciated just for myself.

I ignored Fin's constant but silent presence and focused instead on Meredith.

I settled in that first day and could even appreciate my solumn and unassuming roommate. She was a scholar students and was focused on nothing but straight A's. It didn't help matters that I could ace it all in my sleep but I did my best not to make her feel inadequate. I flunked on purpose several subjects simply by bunking my class and playing truant.

By the end of that first month I realised I had been having more fun than I ever had my whole existence. And being over two thousand years old I was surprised I hadn't asked this of mother earlier.

I turned away from facing my roommate who was fast asleep in her bed. I didn't need to sleep and usually spent the hours pondering or reading or sometimes exploring with Meredith who conveniently didn't need much sleep either.

"You know all this won't last?"

The blank space beside me on my double bed shimmered before Fin appeared before me. My breath caught. I had forgotten he had no need for sleep either. I stared at his silent but inviting profile. Then unable to help myself I raised my finger to trace lovingly down the length of his nose.

"Hmm?" I asked forgetting what he said. Forgetting who I was even and more importantly forgetting what I was. That was the problem with bliss. It blinded you to the dangers lurking in the corner. I stared as his soft masculine lips. I wondered what it tasted like. My finger followed my wayward thoughts tracing the outline of his lips. I continued to rest my head on my pillow and oddly felt mh eyes droop in fatigue.

I didn't realise it at first but after a couple of heavy blinks I got an idea of what was happening.

"Stop that," I muttered sleepily.

Fin smiled. His smirk was tender and mischievous.

"I would like to give you a gift too," he whispered softly.

I smiled back then finally letting my eyes drop shut. He was sweet. No one had ever gifted me the gift of sleep before. It was strange how the most simple of gifts got over looked.

But I will accept this gift. I was now an ordinary girl and so should have an ordinary sleep.

I was already drifting off when his earlier words repeated themselves to me.

"It won't last. Happiness never does."

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