Chapter 21: Shit

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Taylor's jaw dropped open and her eyes bulged. I refused to admit it before because I knew as soon as I said it, the feelings would become more real. But I guess I couldn't carry on anymore.

"W-w-what?! Your actually saying you do, I never thought this day would come."
I coughed uncomfortably, " has."
"Am I dreaming? You like Noah?!" She said in a shout whisper.
"Nah, I like Leo." I deadpanned sarcastically.
"Let's not go there. When are you going to tell Noah? Because I will help you plan it."
"You are jumping too many steps forward, if you wasn't aware he likes Hayley."

There was a quick silence and Taylor's face of joy turned to confusion, "Hayley Green??"
"Yes, Hayley Green. You were told, see how bad your memory is."
"I completely forgot.... that's problematic." Taylor finished with the ropes and walked towards me, "Just ignore her and go for him she's annoying as hell."
"I made a deal and I don't want to hurt him. Plus, I don't care, I'll get over it."
"You guys are meant for each other."
"What about you and Jacob?"

We walked out of the kids area and followed the path to the lockers to retrieve our stuff.

"We might've kissed." She splurted.
"You sly mother-fucker, since when?"
"On the weekend."
"Congrats, you will have to deal with his excessive eating habit. But I knew it was coming you guys are so bait with your flirting."
"What... I thought no one noticed."I
"You were as obvious as a sore thumb." I closed my cubicle door, stopping her from talking.

I got changed out of my swimsuit and pondered on the words exchanged between Taylor and I. I was happy to tell her about my little crush but, like I said, my feelings became more real. I could only imagine how hard my heart would be beating when I saw him. After drying off and creaming my skin, I got changed into my warm clothes and hopped out.

Again I was changed before Taylor so I made my way to the reception area and took a seat at one of the metal tables. Checking my phone percentage I cursed, "Shit, 15%." I thought I'd charged it enough at home but clearly I had not.

After waiting a good 10 minutes everyone graced me with their presence. We decided to go to McDonald's to eat since it was the cheapest choice. Thanks to Taylor and her car we arrived faster.

We ate, laughed, talked and by the time we knew it it was 7:30. I really shouldn't of stayed so long but I enjoyed the company and lost track of time. On the way back Noah and I explained the attack from one of Xavier's henchmen. We agreed that tomorrow we'd discuss what to do for protection and possible retaliation.

I opened the door to my house and crept inside. With my dad sober he would catch me quicker and I would get a punishment. I was sure of it. As I took off my shoes I sensed someone was behind me. Turning I was met with the angered face of my dad.

"" I smiled with a slight constipated look.
"Don't hi dad me Cayden, where have you been?!" He looked more serious sober.
"I was at the community centre and then we went to Mcdonalds."
"I don't want you roaming around everywhere as if you have no home." His face got darker as he touched my face, "Xavier did that to you, didn't he."
"No, he didn't. A child hit me by accident."
"Don't lie to me!" He shouted.

I gulped down heavily, I didn't want him to get involved. He could get hurt if he acted irrationally. Wow, that sounds like me.

"It wasn't Xavier but it was one of his guys."
My dad sighed deeply, "I'm fed up of him acting as if he own the place. I'm going to speak to him."
"No no no don't, please. I don't want you to get hurt."
"And my baby has gotten hurt, I can't just sit here like a muppet. Just.... let me help you."

I was conflicted between my thoughts. Not being able to know what to say, my dad went towards the front door and have me a hopeful smile before disappearing behind the door. I felt hopeless. The silence captured me into a whirlwind of thoughts.

What if Xavier kills my dad? What if the police are called? What if my dad injures someone and he's convicted?

Tears threatened to fall at the despicable thoughts running through my brain. I heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs and quickly sobered up.

"Where's dad? We were playing a game of go fish and then he heard you come in."
"He.... left. Something came up and he had to go."
"Oh, okay but why do you look so troubled?"
"Stop being bothersome and find something helpful to do. Don't think I've forgotten about you marking my face, so be happy I haven't dealt with you yet."

With that he hopped out of the room back up the stairs. I flung my shoes at the door and took a seat on the black sofa. I waited tentively.

And waited.

And waited.



The door latch unhinged and my dad stumbled in shutting the door aggressively. I rushed to his side to check if he was alright. Red stained his shirt and slowly crept further outward. He began to cough dark, vibrant blood and me eyes widened in horror.


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