Chapter 8: So your dumb and stupid

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"By the way what happened with you and Hayley Green on Friday?" I questioned slowly hobbling beside Noah. The cold and lack of movement took a toll on my body.
"Oh." He sounded disheartened, "She turned me down. I asked her if she wanted to dance but she just cutely giggled and said maybe later. I knew she wasn't going to dance with me. So I sat in the kitchen hoping you would be back soon but instead you were sucking off Xavier's face."

"Oh please don't remind me, I will never be able to forget that. It will haunt me forever."
"Was he good?"
"Yeah obviously, do you know how high his body count is?"
"He's killed people!" Noah stopped.

"No, well yes he's killed people but that's not what body count means. It means how many people you've had sex with."
"Ohhh, but still. I'm shocked no one has called the police on him and he's not in jail. What experience have you had?"

I scrunched my face, "What do you mean?"
"Well your teaching me how to get Hayley and you spoke about Xavier's experiences with girls but you've never spoken about yours."
I dug my hands into the pockets of the large coat, "I haven't had that much experience to be honest but I've taken initiative from what I'm told. The amount of girlfriends Cole and Jacob have had and boyfriend advice they gives me is more than enough to know a lot."

"I still trust you, and there isn't anyone else. Out of interest who was your first kiss?" Noah said stopping outside my house.
"You were..."
Noah's eyes bulged in response, "Really? I didnt expect all. I'm sorry that it was a waste, that was my first too. But how did you know so much?"

I didn't even know that much. I don't even think I did anything great on him.

"There's no need to apologise, I wasn't expecting you to be amazing or anything. Sorry that I pounced on you like that and for that sounding very offensive."

I gritted my teeth regretting my first sentence. I could tell Noah was still in shock because his mouth was still partly open.

"W-was I that bad?" Noah mumbled avoiding my eye contact.
Damn it, I knew I hurt him.
"No you weren't terrible, for a beginner. Like me. You were like a baby; sweet and innocent. Don't worry about it."
"I don't want to be a baby, remember confidence. Hayley won't want a cute baby."

Fuck, I'm not good at this consoling business. How do I raise his confidence in himself? How am I supposed to help him when I don't know what I'm doing?

"You just need practise and then you'll be great."
"How do I practise - my pillow? No one would want to practise with me."  Noah said then muttered quietly, "Hayley isn't going to like me."
"She will like you. I will help you...." I smiled, "I've done it once, I'll do it again."

I had no idea what I was really saying but I knew I had to help him the best I could.

"What? Why would you do that, you don't need to. Me and my pillow are just fine."
"Noah, what are you talking about? You know you need assistance and like I said I'm here to help you get Hayley."
Noah thought for a second, fiddling with his fingers before answering, "Okay, let's do this."

Why did I suggest it? Even though I could kiss decently I wasn't a pro like Taylor or Cole or Jacob or even Riley. Noah seemed happy though and that's all I could've wished for him. Before he froze up I gave him back his coat and sent him off.

As I walked in the house the silence echoed. The lights were all off making it seem very creepy. I crept up into my bedroom where I was surprised to see Caleb sitting on my bed.

"What time do you call this?" Caleb said in a shout whisper.
"I was out, I'm sorry." I took off my shoes and hoodie.
"I saw that guy you were with. He was way out if your league, so how did you force him to speak to you?"
"Wow, I never forced him to do anything. He's Noah from my primary school."
"What? How did he end up looking better but you got ...worst."

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