Chapter 27: I Can't Believe What I'm Seeing

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Me and Cole exchange knowing looks before I crawled over to where Noah was lying. Getting comfortable I laid beside him with my head on his chest.

"Was you jealous?" I asked lowly.
He looked down at me, "No, why would I?"
"You knew I'd think you were jealous and come over here."

He rolled to the side blocking my view of everyone. I could only roughly see his face as the tv went dark for the scene. It made him look daunting.

"What do you expect? My good-looking, gorgeous girlfriend is making goo goo eyes with her best friend. How can I not feel a little left out. Wouldn't you?"

His lips were hovering on mine. I closed my eyes wanting us to kiss so bad but there was no movement.
Peaking my eyes open I saw him smirking at me and he tapped my nose.

"Looks like someone's wants a kiss. You didn't remember me before." He smiled. I scoffed.

I yanked him back towards me aggressively attaching our lips. He couldn't just act like he was going to kiss me and leave my hormones all messed up. I buried my fingers into his hair. He released a deep sigh and I took that as my cue to stop.

I pretended that nothing happened and sat up to watch the movie. He looked lost and uncomprehensive. The others were still focused on the demonic film but I knew they heard us. Noah twirled round to his initial position and adjusted his glasses. During the the 2nd movie my dad came in to make sure his presence was known.

"Please don't make too much noise or else tonight won't be very fun. Oh that's a new face." He looked at Noah, "Are you the one who-"
He paused for a second.
"Both of you out here now." He dissolved into the kitchen.

I was very worried as I had no clue what it was about but I was suspicious that it could be that he knew we were dating. Noah and I hopped up and waved a final goodbye to the others just in case the worst happened. My dad was already awaiting our presence with a hard face. He was just at the bottom of the stairs.

"Your the boy who was in Cayden's room a month or so ago, isn't it." He raised his brow.
"Y-yes, sir. But I wasn't doing anything with your daughter, we were just sleeping. I'll put my-"
My dad raised his hand silencing him, he looked deadly scary, "Who gave you permission to be in my house?"
"C-cayden." He stuttered.

"Cayden, who are you to say who and who can't sleep in my house? Just because I was under the influence of alcohol and drugs doesn't mean you should abuse your freedom. You should feel lucky I'm letting your friends stay at this point. But you're in trouble." He looked back at Noah, "Lay a hand, no not even, lay a fingernail on my daughter and watch and see what happens."

"Sorry-" I paused, "Is that all you can say? I'm sorry dad but you haven't even been a father for over 5 years so I'm sorry I abused your trust but it was because I was always the one in control of the house. I can't act like you have been there for me for all these years when you haven't so please don't-"

"Stop talking."

He stomped up the stairs and I finally breathed normally. I was shocked that I had even spoken up but I knew I would have to one day. All the supressed feelings couldn't be contained forever. Noah looked as if he wet himself. I opened the door to the living room to see the others pretending to watch the tv.

"You can stop pretending." I stated sitting down on the couch.
"I don't know what your talking about we were watching the movie." Cole replied.
"Riley your holding the remote upside down, Jacob your sitting on top of the covers, Cole your voice didn't even sound remotely convincing, Taylor you always be looking suspicious." I stuffed my mouth with popcorn.

Noah took a seat at the other end of the sofa so I was in the middle of Cole and him. He was still traumatized by it all, couldn't blame him.

"What are you guys gonna do?" Jacob spoke up.
"Honestly, I don't know. I wasn't going to tell my dad anyway but now we have to be extra careful." I whispered.
"But you guys are so cute." Riley whimpered.
"Hopefully nothing will change." I said.
"Your dad is so scary." Noah muttered.
"We know." The others in unison sighed.

We watched a few more movies but when as soon as it hit 3 am people began nodding off. I got comfortable in the corner of the sofa and yanked some of the duvet off Cole who forcefully took it back. I decided to chill with Noah since Cole is such a bad sleeper. I jumped on Noah causing him to heave in irritation.

"Cayden we can't do this, especially not now." He tousled over the duvet.
"I'm not doing anything I just don't have a duvet." I tried to squeeze myself into a gap.
"Then go to Cole because if your dad barges in what will our excuse be?" He widened himself, pushing me out of the space.
"I know if I go to Cole you will get jealous so I'm saying here." I had to work hard just to just get a comfortable place in my own home.
"Frankly, I feel I will get in more trouble than you."
"We both know that nots true."

With that I decided to just lay on him instead and he could have no objection.
After a while he put his arms around me and rotated us so I was safely on the sofa. As I peered onto his face, I could only imagine the thoughts rushing in his head.

Noah's POV

I kept praying to God that Cayden's dad wouldn't come in but I was sure I'd hear him if he come down the stairs. Just a brief glance at her face got me staring. She was so close and I was worried my breath would smell of whatever I was eating before. But the more I gazed at her flawless features is the closer I got.

I gave her a few soft kisses before I was completely encased with her lips. Every movement was cherished. For the first time, with her, I tried tongue, slipping it subtly on the seem of her lips. She hesitantly opened letting me slide in.

"I can't believe what I'm seeing!" I heard a heavy male voice.

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