Chapter 19: My cousin's friend's brother

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I was exhausted by the end of the day. We'd done laps of the pool, saving each other, various drills, teaching Taylor and Cole how to swim and a few other stuff. I hadn't spoken to Noah since the morning mostly because I wouldn't be able to formulate words and Mya had him close to her at all times.

I was changed into my normal clothes and was laying my head on the table in this lunch room. I let my braids down so they would dry faster. I was slowly drifting off to sleep when I heard a chair move and someone sit down. Tiredly, I turned my head to see Noah sitting there contemptly.

Even in my tiredness my heart began to beat faster. I ignored it as much as I could and let myself fall into my drowsiness. As I was drifting of into sleep I could feel Noah watching me so I turned and faced the opposite side.

"Are we doing Chemistry, today?" I heard him mumble.
I turned my head to face him and nodded, "Yeah."

I think that was the most calm interaction we've had. Majority of the time it was my fault. After a few more minutes of rest we all left and I went to Noah's house. It was a chilled night I tried to focus when he was explaining calculations but I have to admit I did drift off a bit.

Noah moved the hair off my face as I laid on the bed and he kept playing with it till I woke up again. His family let me stay for dinner and then insisted he walked me home. I knew I was capable of walking home in peace but Noah's parents thought otherwise.

Luckily, it was humid outside so I didn't regret not wearing a coat. We had a general conversation until I heard heavy footsteps coming our direction from behind us. As I turned around something smacked in the face with something hard, resulting in me falling to the floor. Noah was also a target and got hit to the floor also.

My head throbbed as I felt my pocket being unzipped and the person ruffling in my pocket. In my agony I tried to throw a punch at the person and missed due to my watery eyes and disorientation. I saw the person dig through my wallet. He took out my £20 note and dashed my wallet on the floor.

I tried to get up but got punched in the face. I cringed in pain as I touched where he'd hit. I refused to fall without a fight so I crawled up onto my knees and hit him in balls. I figured it was a guy.

He sucked in sharply and dropped Noah's wallet. I took that opportunity to grab his bat and whacked him in the back. Noah grabbed the money he stole and I just beat him shitless. My head still pounded and I was unbalanced.

Noah had to actually hold me back from killing him. I told you wasn't going to get robbed without a fight. I saw the guy was muttered some shit so I told him to speak up.

"Xavier said to say hi." He coughed.

My blood bolied at his name and I clenched my fists. Noah touched my fist and I slowly released it. I threw down the bat and walked in the direction of my house. Noah ran up to me and stopped me from going any further.

"Hey hey, stop. Calm down." He coaxed.
"I can't calm down, I'm angry." I huffed, "Xavier has gotten on my nerves. He can't send someone to mug us and expect me not to retaliate."
"That's what he wants you to do. You have to do the opposite."
"I have to do something, we just got beat up. That means were being watched and any of us will be in danger if we don't stop this."
"There must be another way."
"No there isn't and if you can think of one I'd love to hear it. I'm going home you should too." I paused and looked into his eyes, "I don't want you to get hurt so go home before his friends come."

I sent him a brief smile before stumbling away, not wanting to see his sad face. I felt horrible for lashing out at him but I was so angry at Xavier. I couldn't fathom why Noah didn't want to get Xavier back. My head throbbed and my heart yearned for me to turn around and apologise. I stopped walking and slowly turned to see Noah still standing there watching me. He hadn't moved?

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