Chapter 14: Match

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"In the flesh. Nice to see you Noah." He grinned.

Noah just nodded but didn't reply. I scowled at Xavier hoping he would just leave. As an awkward silence crept over us Taylor spoke up, "Xavier is here to apologise....".

My eyes shot up at Taylor in utter shock. Xavier apologising isn't going to happen.

As if on cue Xavier said, "I'm sorry Cayden. I shouldn't of spiked your drink with such a dangerous drug. It could've really damaged you."

I sat there contemplating what I should say next and out of no where I blurted, "Taylor upstairs now."

With that I swiftly got up and out of the couch and walked out the door. Knowing Taylor would follow I tried to go up the stairs fast but my legs hurt so I had to be quite slow and sat patiently on her bed.

Taylor opened the door and shut it quietly staring at the ground. Just stay calm, Cayden.

"What is this about?!" I questioned loudly.
"Well, I told Xavier that he needed to apologise and end this stupid war between you two. I told him to speak you tomorrow but he came here today to talk to me. Just as friends."
"Yeah, it sounded very friendly to me."
"I'm being serious I don't know why he said 'hey baby' to me. Please consider his apology."

I sat there. I could see the sincerity in her eyes trying to burn mine. Every normal bone in my body told me to just agree but you always have that one bone that wants you to do the opposite. I decided to put that aside.

"Fine, I'll forgive him but that doesn't mean I trust him. He's a leech."
"Yes, progress."
I raised an eyebrow, "Progress?"
"Oh nothing. It's just that now you aren't bickering it's good."

I didn't like the way she answered that but I think I was just overreacting. I was too tired and couldn't wait for the day to be over. I followed behind Taylor downstairs and everything looked peaceful between Noah and Xavier; at first glance.

I could tell something happened between them as Noah had retreated into the corner of the sofa and he avoided eye contact as we walked in. I could only imagine what happened but I knew that Noah wouldn't tell me because I would react.

Noah's POV

I couldn't look Cayden in the face, I felt so embarrassed. Xavier had told me some of the things she said about me and it hurt. It was when she was drugged at the party she told him that he was a way better kisser and she regretted losing her first kiss to me.

It may seem like a small thing but it's not to me. I was afraid she wouldn't like kissing me and he proved it was right. I can't blame her. She probably didn't want to offend me. I feel like an idiot. The fact that Xavier told me, I was actually grateful. Even though I was aware he was a bad person he had no gain in lying to me.

If I looked at Cayden I know she would want to know what wrong and beat someone up or insult someone to say it's not true. But I don't want her to know I know.

Taylor offered to drop us home after which saved me from having to have a complicated conversation with Cayden. Once I was dropped off I literally ran out the car after saying goodbye. As soon as I rang the doorbell the door swung open and I was dragged inside by my mum. I knew I was in deep trouble.

"Where have you been?" My mum yelled.
"I was at Cayden's house overnight, it was too late last night for me to leave."
"Those are excuses I don't want to hear. How can you avoid telling us where you are? I was worried sick. Your dad was worried sick. This irresponsibly is only presenting itself now after you met Cayden."
"It's not her, it's me. I should've called you but I just got distracted."
"By what? Her bum?"

I stared at my mum confused and shocked at why she would say that.

"What, no. I'm not like that."
"Yeah, right. Probably doing all the things your not supposed to. I hope for damn well you used a condom. Or so God help me! You know fully well I never wanted you to loose your virginity before marriage." She shouted waving her hands as she walked up the stairs.
"We never did anything, ma." I shouted.

I had never done anything before to make my mum mistrust me. I understand why she may not think I'm being honest but I wouldn't do that without a solid relationship. Elle was in my room relaxing and as I came in she froze. She was also eating Pringles, dropping the crumbs on my bed.

"Get out." I groaned.

She made a face before sliding off my bed leaving the crumbs. She's so annoying. As I dusted off my bed all that was on my mind was what Xavier said.

"You know what she told me?" Xavier laughed.
"That our kiss was better than yours. She said it was too still with you and I made her feel special. Don't worry though she's not all that anyway. If you want I can hook you up?"
"N-no." I gritted my teeth.

I'm such a fool for thinking she was liked it. I felt like hiding in a hole for the rest of my life. That's so embarrassing. But why did she moan last night if she didn't like it? Could I of gotten better? Maybe thats why she liked it.

I changed into my pajamas but before I put on a shirt I stared at my self in the mirror. I had a flat stomach and that was it. I need to get muscle. I went down and did countless push ups, sit ups and squats before going to bed.


I woke up early and did my normal routine in the shower and then brushed my teeth and hair. I cringed at the sight of my tired face. I needed more sleep and to revise. When I think about it the last time I revised was a week ago. That's could be detrimental to my learning. And the Mathletes!

I haven't seen them in a week too, their going to be so mad at me. I'm supposed to be the president of the Mathletes but I haven't been leading them. I need to sort this out. What if my leadership is revoked?

I texted Cayden to say I wouldn't be meeting them at the park and I was going straight to school. I knew on Monday morning we sometimes had Matheltes meet up. Where we'd talk about competitions and possible new members.


"No." Charile said bluntly.
"Why not?" I replied.

I was trying to negotiate with the club to let Cayden join but it was very unsuccessful.

"You're lucky you're still our president because you skipped 2 meet ups last week." Booker added.
"You guys, please she's really good." I pleaded.
"Maybe we should give her a chance." Rose said.
"But then he would just get distracted here by Cayden" Venus mocked.

I was baffled as to where this new found hatred was for Cayden for her. But then again not a lot of people liked her and Cayden wasn't the nicest to Venus. Even though I was close to her, she was still the bully and bad girl of the school. I felt bad, she didn't seem to bully it was more being rude to those in her way.

"That's a great idea, Rose. But what do you mean by I would get distracted?" I asked Venus.
"You're always around her. Even when we were in Chemitry she took my seat and you didn't stop her."
"Oh yeah, I am so sorry. I was helping her with Chemitry but I didn't mean to upset you. She's just rude like that." I sheepishly smiled.

"Who's rude like that?"

I snapped my head back so fast I nearly got whiplash. To my horror Cayden and Cole stood at the entrance to the maths room. I bit my lip nervously. She and Cole stood there with such presence. Cayden wore a red bomber jacket with a blue top and jeans. Cole had a simple white shirt and black jeans.

"We were saying your an egostical bitch who needs to sit down." Venus spat. I gawked at her in surprise.
Cayden just smirked, "Listen here shortbread even if I sat down you wouldn't be at my level. So you need to climb of your low donkey and shut up."
"Okay you guys that's enough. We were talking about you joining the Mathletes. Rose came up with a good idea of giving you chance to get in." I said trying to cool the air.

"Cayden. Me. You. Let's have a match." Venus smiled.

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