Chapter 31: I Want You

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Cayden's POV

It was finally lunch; after having a grueling design lesson and I was ready to go home, of course I couldn't. I watched the long line for the food get longer and my hunger slowly died away. I opted to go and sit down, twiddling with my thumbs, hoping someone would turn up.


I turned to see Venus standing there with a half smile. I nearly vomited. Anyone but her would've been fine.

"What is it?" I said unamused.
"There's Mathletes later. Are you coming?"
"Of course. Anything else?"
"Can you just tell-" she stopped mid-sentence.

Cole had appeared eyeing her with a mix of confusion and curiosity and sat down beside me. I just sat there watching them watch each other. A very weird sequence.

"Am I missing something?" I asked baffled.
"Nope." He smirked popping a chip into his mouth, "Are you?" He addressed Venus.
"Yes, my fanta."
"What?" I questioned.
"He stole my fanta AND got me kicked out of the library." She huffed pointing a finger at him.
He stood up and just towered her, stupid Lego brick, "I'll get you kicked out of here too. Run along."

I suppressed a laugh but it was vibrating my whole body.

"Don't you dare. You have no right." She countered.
"That's my thing and for the final time I didn't take your fanta."
"Just you wait." The oompa loompa stormed off.
"Well Cole you have angered the troll. I get you annoying but how annoying do you have to be for her to come after you."
He sat back down, "I don't even know. Earlier she said stole her Fanta and I was like of course not. But the more I think about it I think I might've taken hers..."
"Jheez, that sounds like a you problem. I don't want her attacking me more than she already has." I chuckled taking his food.
"Shush, let people enjoy things."

I ended up trying to help him sort out Venus while we waited for the rest of the guys to turn up. When they did we had changed conversation and were discussing the preferred fast food restaurant. Noah, Jacob and Riley agreeing that KFC was better and Taylor, Cole and I agreeing McDonald's was better. This argument prolonged till the end of break and was still left unsettled.

In my music lesson I watched how people reacted to me: some meekly stared, some avoided my gaze, some replied to my greeting with a rushed hello. They all were scared of me and in a way I liked it but on the other hand I wondered if things would be better a different way. I focused the rest of class finding it pointless thinking about what others thought about me. By the time the bell rang I had done more work than I had ever done in my past lessons.

I walked out feeling confident and smiled as went to my locker. I saw a figure that looked pitch black amongst the bright bustling teens. I slowed down watching the figure just stand and watch me. I narrowed my eyes to get a better look at who it was and as I did it stepped forward into the omniscient light. It was Hayley: hair matted and tangled, clothes stained with dry red blood, skin an awful pale shade, eyes full on angst and anger. I trembled in terror; I was seeing a dead girl. I knew she was dead.

"But did you see me die?" She had appeared in front of me making me shiver in fright.

I can't be talking to a dead girl. Blood of Jesus. I shook my head trying to get the image out. She is dead. She is dead. She is dead.

"You thought I died." I felt her hand on my shoulder and I screamed.
"Wow wow wow, are you ok?"
I opened to see Noah staring at me in worry and other eyes watching me suspiciously, "Erm... yeah I'm good. Yeah I'm fine."
"You screamed after I touched your shoulder I think your on edge."
"Aren't I always?"
I twitched feeling a chill, "Nah I'm-"
"Remember we tell each other the truth." He stared into my soul with his coloured eyes.

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