Chapter 16: The shoe

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I kept my suprised expressions to myself and looked like I was unphased. I couldn't believe he was actually suspending us, although I'd been suspended before, this was uncalled for. Leo's face was regularly changing shades at first I thought it could be been the shock but know I think it's the bruising. It almost made me laugh. He deserved it.

"Instead of scowling at Leo, Cayden, focus on the problem at hand. You can't go around beating people up because they annoy you. I was surprised that Leo reacted in such way."

"I'm not." I muffle, earning me a hard stare from the Headmaster. It wasn't even my fault.

"It will only be for a week so be happy I'm gracing you that. But-"

Before the Headmaster could finish his sentence Riley barged in with Cole, Taylor, Jacob and Noah.

"But wait?" The Headmaster raised his eyebrow.
"It's not all Cayden's fault and we think that we should all bare her punishment." Riley yelled whilst the rest were in disbelief.
"You had one job Riley. To say that she wasn't at fault. Not that we should share the punishment." Jacob said slapping his forehead.
"Why did we tell him to do it?" Cole rolled his eyes.
"Why you rolling your eyes it was your choice." Taylor said folding her arms.

"Alright, that's quite enough." The Headmaster shouted rubbing his temples,
"I've had it up to here with you lot. You will all have 1 week suspension, an email home and community volunteering."

Now I was in disbelief and blatantly showed it. It's always Riley that puts us in a bigger mess. At least this time it hasn't only effected me. We were all shoved out of his office and then the riot started between us all.

"Thanks a lot Riley." Taylor grumbled.
"I took one for the team." He raised his hands in surrender.
"Next time take one for yourself." Cole replied.
"I don't know why I'm being persecuted. Cayden was the one who couldn't keep her hands to herself."
I stared at Riley as we walked down the hall, "It wasn't my fault."
"All I'm saying is I'm getting BEATS when I get home." Jacob laughed a bit before getting a serious face.

We had serious faces after he said that. It wasn't a joke anymore. And now my dad was drinking less he'd be thinking right. I was going to get into a lot trouble.

"You know you could call child services and you could be removed. Parents should never hit kids." Leo said.

We all looked at him like he was drinking water through his ear. This guy has not been disciplined correctly. Punishment from our parents is the reason why we don't turn out like Hayley or Leo.

"Sorry who are you again?" Cole questioned.
"Obviously, you've never met the belt." Taylor hummed.
"Or shoe." Noah added.
"My parents would never. If they did they would be in prison." Leo scrunched his face.
"That explains a lot..." Jacob laughed.

All of us grabbed our stuff from our lockers as we had to leave school immediately. Leo had his driver pick him up whilst we all just walked. Even though that sounds crazy no one wanted to get home early.

We talked about random stuff before we each started heading in different directions. In the end I was walking with just Noah as he was relatively closer to me rather than anyone else.

There was silence between us. Neither of us daring to break it. I'd thought it was just a calm silence but when I looked at him it was like the world was ending. His glasses fell down his nose bridge every once and a while and he cutely pushed them back up. He kept biting his lip as if he was stopping himself from saying something. Thankfully, his phone rang dismantling the awkwardness.

"Who is this?" He questioned

"Oh, hi." He didn't sound very happy.

"Yeah, I don't think we can do-" whoever he was talking to didn't know how to let someone finish.

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