Chapter 29: Baby

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I am so sorry for the long wait but I will try to stay consistent ❤❤


Monday morning. I was dreading this day. I had spoken to Noah and resolved our relationship, which was to keep it lowkey, but I was nervous to see him after what happened. He was scared to death of my father and bringing up the fact my mum was still alive and a gang leader would heighten his fears. I wore a plain black hoodie and cargo pants with a gold chain. I grabbed my white air forces and left the house before it was too late.

Journeying towards the park seemed to be the longest trek whilst I thought about how I'd relay the information. In mid stride someone wrapped their arms around my shoulders and my logical reaction was to panic. However, it seemed to be more of a hug than something of bad intention, then the familiar vanilla smell wafted into my nose.

"Noah." I sighed in relief and comfort.
"Hey." He said releasing me from his long arms, "You seem more on edge than usual, you alright?"
"Honestly, no. I erm- will tell you when I'm with everyone. It saves me from having to repeat it." But I couldn't even form words properly without getting anxious.

He slyly interlocked our fingers giving a shy side grin while we were walking. My heart was literally moving to dubstep in my chest at the cute action. I couldn't tell him how much I liked him as days went on and I was so stupid to deny my feelings for so long. I gently squeezed his hand which earned a bright smile from him. It seemed like a mice distraction. We strolled to the park with small chatter and I avoided the conversation of family like I had seen a spider and had arachnophobia. Everyone was in the park already and was awaiting our arrival. I knew I couldn't avoid it anymore.

"Hey lovebirds, you guys look cute." Taylor smiled sitting on Jacob's lap.
"I could say the same to you." I winked.
"Alright, are we ready to leave now?" Cole stood up from the swing with his hands in his pockets.
"Actually, I wanted to tell you guys something." I muttered.
"Oh my gosh did you guys have sex?!" Riley gasped.
"What, no of course she hasn't. If she had she'd be struggling to walk because of big boy Noah." Cole laughed spudding the red Noah.
"Eww, shut up-" Taylor retorted.

To stop the arguing I sighed, "My mum is alive." Then there was silence.
They all looked towards me totally dumbstruck by the news. I wanted to make it easier to say but there was no other way around it. I felt a weight being lifted but still felt under pressure.

"Since when?!" Cole said.
"I found out on Saturday when I looked for her death certificate. She asked to meet me and she really does look like my brother. B-but she's erm... she's a gang leader."
"How did I know this story was too good to be true. She on a new level of dangerous." Cole huffed.
"I'm not happy about that and it was the reason she left us in the 1st place. The problem is that she wants me to join, to be her prodigy."

They gawked at me not knowing which part to pick at first. The thought of joining a stupid gang would be risking my life daily and living in fear but I didn't tell her no. I told her I didn't know even though I was sure I knew I didn't want to join, which meant that deep down maybe I did....

"You told her no, right?" Taylor rushed.
"Well not exactly... I haven't seen her in so long that maybe that's the only chance to be with her."
"Don't overlook the fact she left you and didn't think about not seeing you again. Probably if you didn't try look for her she wouldn't of found you." Cole's eyebrows furrowed.
"But she's my mum." I defended.
"Does she see you as her daughter or just a successor to her reign?" Taylor shrugged.

I was dropped in an ocean of thoughts and new questions. The answer wouldn't be so straightforward and I wasn't looking forward to telling my mum my decision. My ideas were in constant battle and even when I pushed it to the side of my mind it wouldn't completely leave. Throughout the day my brain was in another place having a big meeting about my best options for the future.

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