Chapter 15: Mistakes happen

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Cayden and Venus sat opposite one another and the rest of us gathered around. The topic was times tables. The rules; simple. Smack the table if you know the answer, you have 10 seconds to answer if you unable to it's passed on and if your correct you get a point.

When they started it was a tie between them and it stayed like that until the last question when Venus gave the wrong answer, leaving the table open for Cayden and she got it right.

I almost wanted to jump in joy but it would've been biased and inappropriate for the time. Cayden looked up and me with happy eyes and in reflex I winked at her. I actually winked. As soon as the action was done I cringed. Why the heck would I wink?


I tried to erase that moment out of my head but it mocked me in circles.


The action continuously played like a broken record.

"Noah?" Cole clicked his finger in my face snapping me out of my thoughts.
"I was saying I didn't know Cayden was good at maths."
"Oh yeah she said it was because she hated the maths teacher."
"Even so, she's got talent."

I nodded my head aimlessly still slightly disconnected from the conversation. Why would I wink?

After that eventful morning we walked to our form room to get registered in. I kept mentally slapping myself not really knowing what to do. Cayden hadn't said anything to me yet and I was worried I put her off of me, even more than before.

We took our seats just as the bell rang. I went to sit at the front but all the seats were taken resulting in my having to sit at the back, where the only free seat was next to Cayden. I sighed in mixed emotions. It wasn't any more helpful that a desk was for two people. My palms got more sweaty as I sat down and I constantly rubbed them on my trousers.

"Are you okay?" Cayden whispered, a bit too close, as we were being registered.
"Yeah, just really hot."
"I'm not surprised your wearing a shirt and a wooly jumper."

She was right I'd decided to go for the cosy option but it wasn't working in my favour.

I laughed nervously, "True..."

Cayden gave me the 'what are you doing' look and I knew I wasn't doing very well hiding my emotions. I kept on fiddling with my fingers until the bell rang and our teacher dismissed us to class. I fast walked to my locker to avoid bumping into Cayden but instead, because of my lack of attention, I literally bumped into Hayley Green. This day is just getting better and better.

"Watch where your going." Hayley growled.

In all honesty I didn't know why I really liked her. She was really pretty and nice, at times, but she's been changing. She stood in front of me with an unimpressed look. She wore a short black skirt to match with her black off the shoulder tank top.

"I-I d-don't... I'm sorry.." I stuttered. I'm still nervous around her.
Hayley looked into my eyes before saying, "Oh Noah right? Sorry I thought you were someone else."
I stared at the ground slightly anxious, "That's okay."
"But how are you?" She asked whilst opening her locker.
"Great!" She smiled cutting me off, "Are we still on for Business Studies revision tonight?"

I was confused as to when we arranged this and to be honest I didn't feel like doing revision. To be honest I would've preferred doing Chemitry with Cayden but then again she may not be enjoying as much as I do - like the kiss.

"W-well, okay. I-I have Mathletes after school so it would have to be after then." I mutter still staring at the floor.
"Great." Hayley said suddenly, making me jump.

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