I Picked!

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"Leave me alone!" I scream. Charlie's been torturing me for the past five minutes. "Charlie! Just quit it!" I whine.

"No, no, no and no!" he whines back, emphasizing his words by stomping his foot.

"Tanner isn't making me pick! Tanner isn't being a jerk!" I yell in his face. He looks hurt. But that hurt turns into anger.

"I don't give crap what that loser Tanner thinks!" I stumble backward. He did not just say that. Not that. "If you love him so much why don't you just pick him." he sneers. It takes me awhile to process what he just said.

"Fine! I will!" I storm off leaving Charlie standing alone.

Once again.


I throw myself into Tanner's arms. "I picked." I whisper into his neck. "And it's you."

Tanner pulls me away from him and sets his hands on my shoulders. "What!?!" he cries, his voice full joy.

"I PICKED YOU!" I squeal. He smiles and I notice his eyes looking at my lips. "Oh my gosh." I whisper. He pulls me I to a kiss, not a long and perfect kiss because mid-way we fall over into a heaping pile of giggles. I throw my hand across his neck and hug him.

I feel him put his hand up the back of my shirt but I thrust it down. I'm not ready for that just yet. And out of the corner of my eyes, I see Charlie glaring at me. I'm not going to let his snobbiness ruin this moment. I look back at Tanner and we separate, still lying in the ground staring at the sky. It's about 7:00 P.M. and the stars have already come out. Fall is just around the corner. It reminds me when I first met Tanner and Alex. It was fall then too.

But I wasn't as happy as I am now.


The next day I wake up to Tanner's face.

"What do you want?" I grumble as I sit up, "It's so early!"

He just smirks and pulls me into a hug. "Good Morning." he whispers in my ear.

"What's for breakfast?" I ask as we both stand up.

But then when I walk outside my smile melts into a pool of unhappiness.

Two words. Just two simple words.

Charlie and Alex.

They sit by the fire, giggling and flirting with each other.

I just stand there, stareing at them. This shouldn't effect me. I chose Tanner. I chose the better road. I feel the tears rising. I need to get out of here.

I sprint away, towards the river. It's like runing away from home all over again. I need to stop running away from life. I need to fight through it. I just can't. It's just too much.


Hi! Sorry for the wait you guys! I've had so much going on! I know, I know it's a REALLY short chapter. And it's been a REALLY long time. So sorry! I deticate this chapter to @dumdum_219 for being such an awesome fan! Let's give @dumdum_219 a round of applause! *wait's till the clapping dies down* Okay, okay let's get focused here. So, I will update again when my book reaches 2,000 reads. Yep, that's right people, 2,000 reads!

*eyes well up* Thank you for those who support me and have helped me through this Wattpad journey. Thank you so much.

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