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        "Mia!" I call out, hopping she'd hear me and come to help. We're almost there anyway. I slowly drag him, every minute I get at least a foot nearer to the house. By now I bet if I reached out, I could touch the slimy green moss. "Almost.......there..." I grunt.

        "Just set me........down." Charlie moans. He looks like he is about to start bawling.

        "Okay." I carefully lay down his head in the grass. The cut must really hurt. I've never seen someone in so much pain.

         I sprint inside the house, searching to find my backpack. I snuck a tiny first aid kit and my book of herbs with me for the trip. I finally find my backpack under the bed and as fast as can, I pull out both items out and run back outside. I kneel down beside Charlie and unzip the first aid kit. I quickly grab the bandage from inside it and I rip off the paper that reveals the sticky stuff. Then I carefully push it down on his wound. He winces and squeezes his eyes shut.

        "Is it over? Did you get it on?" he asks, his eyes still shut.

        "Yep. See like I said, You are going to be fine." I smile proudly. "But you still need to clean it out and I'll find some plants to stop it from getting infected."

        "Oh great." he sighs. I really feel bad for the guy. To make him feel better, I hold on to his hand. It feels like a.............. rock. He must work really hard. "What are you doing?" he asks, waking me out of my trance.

        "I'm trying to lighten the mood." I stutter, "Now about those herbs." I quickly let go of his hand and grab the book. I love medicine! I work extra hand on science when it comes to being a doctor. I want to be a physician assistant someday. I also love healing people with plants. I am so weird.

        Once I get to the chapter about healing infections, I see several plants. Garlic juice is supposed to heal infections, but it causes damage to skin. Cross that off. Chamomile flower infusion will reduce swelling and prevent infection. I'm not sure if that grows around here. But I still check. Okay, so there are two types of chamomile flower but they both do the same thing. They look like daisies. They bloom between May and October. Good thing it's June! One type grows in poor, clay soil, but the other grows in well-drained and moderately fertile soil. I reach down and dig my fingers into the ground. Feels good to me. Oh wait! It says they thrive in open, sunny locations! I hurry into the forest until I find a clearing. There are little daisies everywhere! Plus it's close to the house! I found the cure!

        After I do what the instructions in the book said to do, I made a bed. Well, sort-of. It's just a mossy green stone shaped like a pillow and some leaves I gathered. By then, Mia came back and I told what had happened. She helped me to dragging Charlie to the clearing. By nightfall, everyone is sound asleep, snuggling in their blankets.

        The next morning, I hurry to the clearing and find that Charlie is alright. I put more of the flowers on his cut and try to make him to stay lying down.

        "Come on. I need to go and get food!" he whines, "I need to help!"

        "No. You need to stay down and NOT go anywhere. Besides, Mia is already getting food." 

        "Come on Sky! I need to help! I feel so useless!" he pleads.

        "Suck it up. I've felt useless for most of my life. My mom called me useless." I sigh sadly. I am never going back. Never.

        "Ughhhhh" he moans, "You are soooo boring.

         Then we both hear a loud voice yell, "FREEZE!"

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