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"Mia........ why is this girl here?" Charlie asks suspiciously. He eyes me, trying to tell if I was dangerous.

"This my sister, Skyler!" pipes Mia, she has a huge Cheshire-cat-type grin.

"Hi." I try to say casually, even though his eyes were shooting me down.

"Oh is this the one who nearly killed you?" I just stand there. He did not just say that. He did not just say that to my face. Oh no he didn't. I could feel the tears just waiting to burst. I can't help it. The tears erupt like a volcano. I run away, my tears pouring down my face. "What's her problem?" I hear him ask Mia.

"Seriously?" I listen to Mia, her tone rising, "Did you seriously just say that? Oh my gosh Charlie." I stop and listen to the conversation. "Have you no idea what you just did?" I hear footsteps walking off. Probably Mia's. Then I hear footsteps walking toward me.

"Hey, Skyler. You okay?" he asks softly.

"What do you think?" I say, looking up. He just stares down at me, then he holds out his hand. No way I need HIS help. I stand up. He's a little taller than me, he looks a year older than me. Probably because my face is still red from crying. "Are we going or not?" I ask flatly, to end the awkward silence.

"Sure." We start walking back to the houses. "The bedrooms are over here." he tells me, as we walk into a log cabin type house. "We don't have any extra beds." he says.

"Well duh. You probably don't get many guests." I taunt. He walks into a room and grabs a blanket out of a corner of the room. I expect him to give it to me but he keeps it.

"You can have my room." he claims. Wow. He may be VERY rude but generous at the same time. I throw myself on the bed. Oh my gerd. That feels amazing, after all of that walking. I see Charlie smirk and then walk down the 'hall'. Strange. He is so........ I don't finish because I fall instantly asleep.


"Skyler wake up!" I snap awake. I see Mia leaning over me. "I'm so sorry about Charlie! He is despicable!" she shakes her head is disgust. That makes me start to giggle.

        "Did you...... just say........DISPICABLE!" I choke out in between laughter. Mia is definitely the best sister ever. What would I do without her? The answer to that question is....... be miserable for the rest of my life. I can't believe I found her, or she found me. I love her so much.

        "Get out here you sleepy heads!" hollers a voice from outside. Oh come on. It's Charlie.

        "Why can't you just go out in the woods and......... gather some wood!" I yell back.

        "Why can't you get off of your bum and help!" I stand up and walk outside. "Bout time." he grumbles as he hands me a list of work. It's written in coal and written on birch bark. The perfect paper. I glance at the first chore: Make the bed. I slowly stroll back into the house and make the bed. What's next?

        After I did all of my work, I collapse on to Mia's bed. It seems like it's about 10:00, judging by where the sun is. Then I get an idea. I could go exploring the camp. I walk up the stairs, leading up to the second level of the house. I see a bed in one of the corners. Hey, I thought Charlie said there were no more beds. Weird.

        As I walk back outside, I hear a shrill shriek come out of the woods. "Mia." I breathe. I tear down the trail, desperate to save her.

        Relief floods over me when I see Charlie hold his leg in pain. Not Mia. But it's still bad, anyhow. "Charlie, you okay?" I mock what he said to me. I kneel down and move his hand out of the way. I cringe. A big bloody cut runs down his left leg. "We need to get you back to the camp." I tell him. I struggle to lift him, and I finally get him up on his feet. He wraps his arm around my shoulder as I try to drag him back to the camp.

        "Skyler, it burns." he moans to me.

        "It's okay. You're going to be fine." I soothe him.

        "No I'm not, Skyler. No I'm not." he cries, "Just leave me here."

        "No way. You saved my sister, and now I'm gonna save you." I say confidently. That really gave me a boost. I drag him with all of my strength. This actually is really hard because he keeps going limp. "Almost there." I grunt. I can see the mossy logs, making up the base of the buildings. "You're going to be just fine." I murmur.

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