Stairway to Heaven

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    I just sat there, not knowing what to say.

    "It's fine. I'm not going to make you answer. It's fine if you don't like me back." Charlie sighs.

    "Wait I do! It's just so confusing! Why did you ask Alex out?" I ask, confused.

    "Because I was hurt. You chose Tanner-"

    "Because you were acting like a little kid! If you had been more mature and straight out asked me I would have said yes." I exclaim.

    "Well I was a dumb butt, okay?" he exhales in agony. "I've never liked anyone  how I like you before. I was young and dumb."

    "You like me that much?" Why would he like someone like me? I'm everything a guy wouldn't want. He's everything a girl would want.

    "Who wouldn't?"

    I take a deep breath and answer, "Everyone."

    "Are you serious? Sky, don't put yourself down. You are amazing." Charlie announces to the world, "Don't ever think like that."

    "It's true!" I say, my tone getting louder, "I'm not pretty-"

    "You're right Sky. You aren't pretty." Charlie takes a shaky breath. "You are beautiful."


    As we run, I try to remember my life before the whole running-away-from-home fiasco. The first thing that pops into my head is Ricky Stevens. That kid made my life even more miserable than it already was. I don't know why I even thought of him. That kid is evil.

    I try to think about Michelle. After Mia "died" she kept my life together. When I would show up to school with my hair looking like a rat's nest because I didn't care how I looked, she would rush me to the bathroom and help me out. Michelle basically replaced Mia. She knew everything about me, in fact she knew me better than I knew myself. I guess I didn't really know or care about anything at that time.

Before the death, all of the girls wanted to be my friend. My lunch table was always squished. I didn't like all the attention, but I guess that just made them want to be even closer to me. But the day after Mia was gone, I just came to school in the clothes I wore the day before. My eyes were red and puffy and I never cracked a smile.

I sat alone that day.


While on a resting break, I did something I never would have done while in my right mind. I sang.

"There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold." Mia and Charlie spin around and look at me in surprise. I never sing.

"And she's buying the stairway to heaven." I try to imagine the spooky guitar in the background, but it's too hard. Instead I whistle the part.

"When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed. With a word she can get what she came for." I hear the others stand up, so I get up as well.

This time I hear Charlie's voice mixing with mine, "Ooh, ooh, and she's buying the stairway to heaven."

"There's a sign on the wall, but she wants to be sure. 'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings." I'm guessing Mia doesn't know the words, but she at least tries to mumble them as Charlie and I sing.

I grab my backpack and swing onto my back, singing all the way. "In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who sings. Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven." We all start running while Charlie and I whistle the guitar part. I've never realized how happy singing makes me feel.

It makes all the troubles in this world drift away on a warm summer breeze.


After we finish about 5 more oldies songs, the tornado comes into view. As I spot the swirling monster, the harsh winds seem to blow my worries back again.

We're in the middle of a huge prairie when the tornado emerges from the forest we had been in no less than an hour ago. Just the thought of where we last were being destroyed by a storm, makes me shiver in fear.

But it's still far away. We are still safe from that death. If I wanted, I could squish it between my thumb and pointer finger. That would do us no good though. In fact it might make me even more afraid.

"What are our chances of out-running it?" I ask Charlie, trying to sound strong and confident.

"It's about an hour away. The forest over there," Charlie points at the woods we were running to, "Is about and hour and a half away. If we try running to the side," He points to the right of us, "That's maybe around two hours. Same on the other side. Maybe the tornado won't turn and follow us. But then again, it could."

"So it's all luck then?"

"Basically." grumbles Charlie with a sigh.

"What do you think Mia?" I question. She's been really quiet the past 5 minutes. Usually she'd be bursting with ideas.

"Forward." she says in a monotone. Her face is completely expression-less. What's wrong with her?

I reach for her, arms stretched out as if I were a baby bird flying for the first time. "Mia..."

She immediately runs into my arms and lets out a whimper. "I'm scared, Sky."

"We all are." I confirm, patting her back.

Charlie puts his hands up, "Hey woah woah woah. Speak for yourself, girl. Let's not go that far-"

I raise an eyebrow. "Charlie. Shut up and join the hug." He obliges and kisses me on the forehead.

Eventually we pull apart. "Forward it is then." I conclude, getting nods in response.

"Omg btw we gtg cause like that tornado is totes my goats getting closer!" exclaims Charlie in his valley-girl voice. Joking around is his last resort when others are sad. Usually it works, but not today. This situation is way too seriously for that.

"How long?" Mia asks this time.

"30 minutes give or take."

We all share the lets-get-out-of-here look and start running once again. But this time I don't feel so alone. This time Mia and Charlie are on either side of me, in perfect line. For the first time in a very long while, I feel loved.



All of your comments make me feel so warm and fuzzy inside! I have so much fun writing!


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