Chapter Thirteen

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Thanks Swift uwu

Edit- Okay i just realized it said chapter 17 idk what went through my head but i need mental help im sure

sorry if i confused anyone this obviously explains my math grade (it goes 11 12 17 right)

Shadedoak padded into the clearing with her Clan, about to take her customary place, when she paused. She flattened her ears as Burnttalon glanced over with an amused expression.

"Why so surprised to see me over here?" He tilted his head, tone faintly mocking. 

 She hissed, "Just shut up and don't bother me, mouseheart." 

 She glanced over as Blackstar walked up to her, "I see you've met the new ShadeClan deputy." 

Shadedoak narrowed her eyes, "Can we talk in private?" 

The tom shook out his pelt, "Okay..." 

When they were in a quieter area, she swung around and cuffed him over the ear. 

He yelped, "Ow! What was that for?" 

"Are you an idiot?!" She hissed, "Burnttalon will ruin your Clan if he ever becomes leader!" 

"How do you know that? He's my Clanmate. I should know him better than you," He drew himself up, defensive. 

The she-cat growled, "Well, pull your head out of the clouds. I know the other side of him very well. Don't blame me when he tries to kill you in your sleep. And before I leave, we need to talk about the kits. They're almost six moons."

"You'll let me take care of some of them?" He tilted his head. 

She snorted, "No, I'm going to ask them what they want. Come to the DuskClan camp in a few days. I'll let you know then if any of them would like to come live in ShadeClan." 

Blackstar nodded, "Alright. I'll do that." 

Then they both departed as Honeystar called the Gathering to a start. After the other leaders had announced their news, it was Honeystar's turn, but before she could speak, Burnttalon spoke up. 

"May I speak?" He glanced over at Blackstar. 

"Yes," He nodded at his deputy. Burnttalon cast an almost triumphant expression at Shadedoak, then turned to the crowd, "I sure you've all wondered where Shadedoak originated, and why she traveled here."

There were a few murmurs, but it was otherwise mostly quiet. 

"She left SkyClan because she was a murderer," Burnttalon announced. 

Shadedoak let out a sharp hiss, fury lighting in her eyes. She glared at him, "Where did you learn about that and how do you know it's true?" 

He proceeded to ignore her, continuing, "She killed the Clan medicine cat and her mentor, then fled to a new Clan. She had another litter and allowed one of her kits to be stolen. She even used to train in the Dark Forest to go against her Clan." 

Her pelt bristled, but Honeystar spoke before Shadedoak could send a retort at Burnttalon. 

"Is this true?" Her leader seemed shocked. 

Shadedoak flattened her ears, pushing back the emotion that threatened to overwhelm her, "Yes and no. No, I did not murder my mate or my former mentor. No, I did not let Duskkit be stolen. As for the Dark Forest, I was young and didn't know what I was getting into. My mother died when I was a young kit, and my father was too heartbroken to help me or my brother through it. My brother was picked on, and I wanted to defend him. He was the only family that seemed to care for me left." 

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