Chapter Eleven

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Blackshade's POV

Blackshade sat below the rock and wrapped his tail around his paws.


The black tom blinked and turned his head. "Oh, hello, Appledream."

The she-cat flicked her ear and glanced around. "Can you please help me convince Rainstone that we aren't mates?"

Blackshade stood and turned to her. "How does Rainstone even know about the rumor?"

"Burnttalon," Appledream muttered.

He shook his head. Why does Burnttalon have to make everything worse?

Blackshade sighed. Appledream glanced across the clearing. She flicked her ear and trotted away as Rainstone approached. Blacksade wondered why. 

Rainstone glared up at him. "You stay away from Appledream. She's my mate, not yours." He let out a short hiss, stalking away.

Slatefall trotted over to him, and Blackshade licked the blue tom's ear. 

Acornstar called the gathering to a start.

Blackshade and Slatefall sat. They gazed up at the leaders.

Gorsestar stood. "In IceClan, the prey is well."

As Gorsestar stepped back, Honeystar shoved to the front. "Our deputy, Shadedoak, has returned from ShadeClan. She had been captured-"

Acornstar cut her off. "Captured? I don't know what kind of lies you've been told, but ShadeClan would never capture a cat without reason."

"Not what a warrior from your Clan said," Honeystar huffed. "And besides, your deputy was idiotic enough to sneak into my camp and steal her kits. It was obviously a lure." 

Acornstar glanced down at Blackshade. "I highly doubt it."

"Then what was his reasoning behind it?" Honeystar hissed.

Acornstar flicked her ear. "Why don't you ask him?"

Honeystar leapt down from the rock. Her muzzle was inches away from Blackshade's. "What exactly were your thoughts when you took the kits?"

Blackshade quickly thought of a lie. He knew that if he told the truth, he wouldn't only get himself into trouble, but Shadedoak and their kits as well. 

He opened his jaws, but someone cut him off.

"He cheated on Vixenflame with Shadedoak."

Burnttalon trotted over to them, Nightfog and Cedardawn close behind him.

"What is with you?!" Shadedoak stalked over. "First, you attack Nightkit for no reason. Then, you go tell Rainstone about a rumor some mouse-brained cat made up, and now you're here, ruining something else!"

"Well, I'm only telling the truth," Burnttalon gave a small smile. Behind him, Cedardawn and Nightfog held the same expression. 

Blackshade shook his head slowly. He knew that Burnttalon hated him, but he didn't think that he'd do something this harsh.

"That doesn't explain Nightkit," Shadedoak hissed, glaring at him.

"Look, sweetheart, we've had  this conversation before-"

"Did you just call me sweetheart?!

Just as Shadedoak finished her sentence, Blackshade heard another voice.

"Why did it take you so long to get here?"

When he turned, he realized it was Pinetuft, IceClan's deputy, he had heard. When he turned his head to the entrance of the hollow, he noticed Pebblestorm.

Honeystar glared at Acornstar. "You really need to fix your Clan."

[ I'm sorry- it's short. I'll try and make the next one longer ;w; ]

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