Chapter Five

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Slatefall's POV

Slatefall sat near the warriors' den, letting his gaze travel around the camp. He watched Vixenflame follow her kits out of the nursery, her head hung low. Slatefall purred, seeing Blackshade's kits. He glanced at Vixenflame. He wondered what was wrong with her. Since the night she ran into camp, she always seemed upset for a reason no one could seem to figure out.

As Blackshade entered the camp, Vixenflame nudged her kits back into the nursery quickly. Slatefall wondered what was going on between the two. Weren't they mates?

He glanced up as Blackshade trotted over.

"Hey, Slatefall," the taller tom meowed.

"Hi, Blackshade," Slatefall purred.

Blackshade settled next down next to him, and kept his gaze on Vixenflame.

Slatefall snorted. "Do you always have to keep your mind on her?"

Blackshade glanced at the smaller tom. "She's my mate. Why shouldn't I be thinking about her?"

The blue tom shrugged. "I don't know. But I would at least think that you would be thinking about someone else."

Blackshade's eyes suddenly flashed with alarm. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, you know exactly what I mean. I did see you with the DuskClan deputy, Shadedoak is it? I know how you feel for her," He growled.

Blackshade's tail lashed. "Vixenflame already knows."

"I'm sure she does. She should," Slatefall glared at Blackshade.

Blackshade turned his gaze away with a 'hmph'.

Slatefall stared at the tom. He got to his paws, and trotted across the camp to Pebblestorm, and sat down next to the him.

Pebblestorm glanced at Slatefall, but didn't say anything.

Slatefall gave a small smirk, an idea crossing his mind.

"Hey, Pebblestorm. Did you hear what Blackshade did?" Slatefall gazed at him.

Pebblestorm's ear flicked. "What, cheat on Vixen with the DuskClan deputy?"

"Yes, he did that. But he cheated again," Slatefall shook his head and sighed, as if he was upset.

The blue-and-yellow tom blinked. "Again? With who?"

The small tom quickly thought up an answer. "Er- Appledream."

"Appledream? But she's from IceClan!"


Slatefall watched as Pebblestorm turned his gaze over to Blackshade, across the camp, as Tigerrunner trotted over from nearby.

"Did I just hear that Blackshade cheated again?" Tigerrunner blinked.

Slatefall nodded. "Mhm,"

Tigerrunner turned, and murmured something to his mate, Dustrunner.

"Poor Vixenflame," Dustrunner murmured.

Slatefall smirked. The news was spreading quickly. Blackshade would be left without a mate by tomorrow.

The next morning, Slatefall woke up from the sound of hissing. He rose to his paws and stretched, trotting out of the den. He paused at the sight of Blackshade and Vixenflame, their kits behind Vixenflame, curious.

"You idiot!" Vixenflame hissed. "You cheated on me again!"

"Vixenflame, no I didn't! I swear it!" Blackshade took a step toward her, which made Vixenflame lash out with an unsheathed paw. Blackshade flinched.

"Yes you did, you liar!" Vixenflame glared at him. "You're Appledream's mate now!"

Blackshade blinked. "Appledream? I haven't even spoken to her for three gatherings!"

Slatefall took in the scene, suddenly feeling a bit awful. It was his fault that Vixenflame and Blackshade were fighting. Again.

"You are such a liar!" Vixenflame growled.

Blackshade glared at her. "Vixenflame, someone was an idiot and decided to make up a lie."

The ginger-and-black she-cat hissed, "How dare you blame someone else for what you did!"

Blackshade hissed. "I didn't do anything!"

"Blackshade, I'm done with you and your lies," Vixenflame growled. "It's over. We're done." She stalked off towards the nursery.

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