Chapter Three

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Vixenflame's POV

Vixenflame glared at Blackshade. "I trusted you," she growled.

Blackshade sighed, "I'm sorry," he murmured.

"Are you? Because if you were sorry, you wouldn't have cheated on me," she hissed.

Blackshade took a couple steps toward her, but Vixenflame flicked around, tears streaming down her face. Vixenflame burst through the camp and raced into her mother's den. Ashenpelt looked up.

"Vixenflame? What's wrong?" She trotted over to her and licked her ear.

"Blackshade," she murmured. Vixenflame gazed up at Ashenpelt and sighed. "I should've insisted on coming to the gathering," Vixenflame growled slightly.

"Just ignore him for now," her mother murmured to her.

"Really?" Vixenflame snapped, "I can ignore him? He's the Clan deputy! I can't ignore him!"

Ashenpelt sighed. "Just try. He'll regret his mistake soon enough," She told her daughter.

"I sure hope so," Vixenflame murmured.

A few moons later, Vixenflame sat in the forest and sighed. She then heard someone calling her.

"Vixenflame! Vixenflame?" She recognized the voice of Blackshade.

Blackshade finally found Vixenflame and raced up to her. Vixenflame growled and took a few steps back from him.

"Look, Vixenflame, I-" Blackshade was cut off.

"Don't even think about saying sorry!" Vixenflame hissed. "Because you're not!"

Blackshade shook his head. "No, Vixenflame, I really am. Please, give me another chance."

Vixenflame glared at him. "No! You don't deserve one!"

"I know I don't, but please? It won't happen again," He pleaded.

Vixenflame sighed. "Fine. One chance. Ruin this, and you're losing me forever."

Blackshade nodded. "Thank you." He licked her ear and trotted back into the direction of the camp.

Burnttalon stepped out of a bush, gazing at Vixenflame. "You gave him another chance?"

Vixenflame glared at Burnttalon. "You were spying on me!"

Burnttalon flicked his tail. "You're my Clanmate. I deserve to know what's going on."

Vixenflame narrowed her eyes. "I don't have to tell you anything."

Burnttalon chuckled. "You're right, because I already know."

Vixenflame's tail flicked. "How much do you know?"

The brown tom purred. "Oh, a lot. Blackshade cheated on you with a DuskClan cat. He's having kits with her. Everything."

Vixenflame opened her jaws to respond, but no sound came out. As if on cue, Cedardawn came out of nowhere and chucked. "Oh, poor you. Your mate cheated on you, and you can do nothing about it."

Vixenflame growled. "He said he was sorry."

"Doesn't mean he meant it. Hell, he's probably in DuskClan right now apologizing to Shadedoak." She smiled.

"You don't know that!" Vixenflame glared at Cedardawn.

"Maybe not, but doesn't mean it can't be true," Cedardawn smirked.

"You made the wrong choice, being with him," Burnttalon growled.

Vixenflame glared at them. "No, I didn't! I love him, and that's all that matters!"

Cedardawn chuckled. "Whatever,"

Cedardawn and Burnttalon trotted away. Vixenflame glared in their direction until she was sure that if they turned around, they wouldn't see her. She dug her claws into the earth, hissing. What if Cedardawn was right? What if Blackshade lied to her.. again?

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