Chapter Seven

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[Thanks, @SwiftFlight2017!]

Shadedoak's POV

Shadedoak curled up in the nursery, her kits fast asleep. She chuckled softly, remembering how much trouble they had gotten in to earlier that day. Nightkit, the one that looked like Blackshade, had managed to find fire ants. With his sister Pinekit's help, they had slipped them into Honeystar's nest.

Those two could get up to trouble no matter what was in the way, or how many warriors were watching them. Pinekit was exactly like her brother, Darkfrost.

They would get along well, She mused.

Willowkit and Redkit were her other two kits. They got up to much less trouble than their littermates. She glanced up as Nettlesun slid into the den.

"Tired after wrangling these four all day?" He laughed.

Shadedoak grinned, amused, "Very. But eventually they'll get into less trouble...maybe. If we're lucky."

Her mate chuckled, shaking his head as he curled up beside her, "Let's hope they get into less trouble tomorrow. We'll have to do our best to wear them out again."

The small she-cat flicked her ears, "And to think I thought three kits were hard to keep up with," She yawned, "They definitely wore me out today."

Nettlesun purred, swatting her lightly, "Hey, don't think you're the only one who the kits wore out."

They both laughed, then curled up close in the moss, the kits snoring lightly. Shadedoak slipped into sleep, whispers of her past haunting her. The dappled tabby blinked open her eyes to find the kits and Nettlesun gone. Sunlight filtered into the den, blocked off slightly as Bluespark poked her head in. "Morning," The blue gray and white she-cat grinned, "I see you're finally awake."

Shadedoak snorted, "Hey, it's not like I'm the only one in this Clan who sleeps late. By the way, have you seen the kits?"

Bluespark chuckled, "Their playing hide-and-seek with Nettlesun." Her amber eyes glittered with amusement, "and Nightkit and Pinekit are winning."

The queen laughed, standing up, "Of course they are. They both know the best places to hide." She followed her daughter out of the den, blinking in the bright sunlight.

Nettlesun glanced up from where he was checking a clump of grass, grinning, "Ah, the fierce little warrior finally wakes." "Don't do that to much, I may have to stalk you in the dark,"

Shadedoak flashed an evil smile at him, then continued, "Who have you found so far?"

The tan tom sat back, "Just Willowkit and Redkit so far. I swear, Nightkit and Pinekit just disappear into thin air sometimes."

Bluespark and Shadedoak exchanged a grin, "Let's go find them, shall we?" Bluespark stalked quietly towards the thorn barrier, one of the places they like to hide. The small warrior snuck around, following Nightkit's scent. She frowned, noticing it stopped abruptly at thorn barrier. Looking closer, she saw a small hole, just small enough for a kit to get through.

"Nettlesun!" Shadedoak rushed over to him where he was sitting with the other two kits.

"What is it?" He looked over at her, worry glimmering in his eyes.

She looked over at Bluespark as she padded over, "I think they got out of camp. What if Thorn is around and he grabs them?" What if I lose them like I did Duskkit? What if his rogues are lurking around, just waiting for them? She shook her head, pushing away the dark thoughts.

Nettlesun looked at her, eyes determined, "Don't worry, we'll find them," His eyes narrowed, "And if anyone messes with them they'll regret it." Bluespark lifted her head, amber eyes flashing, "I'll go tell Honeystar and get some search patrols out to look for them. I'll find you when I've done that." Shadedoak nodded, then turned to Redkit and Willowkit, "You two stay in camp. We'll be back as soon as we find your littermates."

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