Chapter Four

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Cedardawn's POV

Cedardawn and her mate trotted back to camp. They both picked a mouse from the fresh-kill pile and sat outside of the warrior's den. She sighed as Nightfog trotted over to them. He and Burnttalon now did everything known to be 'fun' together. They never asked her to join. And when Cedardawn asked, it was always the same. 'It's too dangerous, Cedardawn.' or 'It'd be easier without you, Cedardawn.' The only time she really only remembers helping her mate out with anything is tormenting Vixenflame just then. Oh, and helping to try to drive IceClan out. That plan of Burnttalon's didn't work though. They did find some rouges to help, but they weren't really the strongest of cats. Some were even killed. Although, Burnttalon's group did leave IceClan injured.

"Cedardawn?" Burnttalon glanced at her.

She looked up from her mouse. "Hm?"

"You okay?" Her mate asked.

She sighed. "Yeah, Im great," She muttered. Burnttalon gazed at her, worry sparkling in his eyes.

"Come on, Burnttalon. Let's make ourselves useful," Nightfog glanced at Cedardawn.

Burnttalon sighed and licked his mate's ear. "I'll be back later." Cedardawn opened her jaws to say something but realized Burnttalon was already trotting out of camp with Nightfog. Cedardawn finished her mouse and got to her paws. She trotted into the den behind her, curled up in her nest and drifted off to sleep.

When she woke up, Burnttalon was curled around her. She purred quietly and rested her head on him.

Burnttalon lifted his head. "Why don't we go hunting," He murmured in his mate's ear. She nodded and they both trotted out of the den and into the forest.

Cedardawn and Burnttalon caught two mice and a rabbit in total. She pricked her ears as she heard a sound. She glanced at Burnttalon, who was gazing around as well. A black-and-brown she-cat leapt out of a bush, and Burnttalon stared at her. Cedardawn narrowed her eyes.

The she-cat glanced at them. "Something wrong?"

"You're on our territory," Burnttalon growled.

"Oh. My bad. Not that I really care though," The she-cat smiled.

Burnttalon narrowed his eyes, then turned to Cedardawn. "Why don't you go back to camp? I'll deal with her," she opened her jaws to continue, but Burnttalon stopped her. "Please. I don't want you getting hurt."

She sighed and nodded. "Yeah. See you later," Cedardawn murmured. She trotted into a bush to watch her mate and the she-cat.

"Flicker, what are you doing here?" Burnttalon murmured.

"Looking for you," She flicked her tail in the direction Cedardawn 'left'. "Who was she?"

"Just a Clanmate. No one important," Burnttalon answered.

Cedardawn's neck fur bristled. 'No one important?' I'm his mate! She accidentally lashed her tail, making the bush's leaves rustle.

Burnttalon glanced behind him at the bush. "Come on, Flicker. Let's go somewhere my Clan won't find us," He murmured.

Later as Burnttalon trotted back to camp, Cedardawn looked up from her spot outside of the warrior's den. "Did you take care of her?" Cedardawn asked.

He nodded. "Yeah, she put up quite a fight,"

She leapt to her paws and gasped. "You're not hurt, are you?"

Burnttalon shook his head. "No, don't worry," he purred.

She pressed against her mate and wrapped her tail around him. I'm going to find her, she thought, and let her know that he's mine.

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