Chapter Two

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[Thank you, Swift!! ;3]

Shadedoak's POV

Shadedoak sat in the hollow where the gathering took place. She scented the air, realizing IceClan was the only Clan not there. She wondered what was taking them so long. She then shrugged, thinking that it was probably nothing. Every Clan was late sometimes. She leapt to her paws as a tail rested on her shoulder. She flicked around, and purred when she realized it was Blackshade.

"Hey. Long time no see." She purred, eyes shining.

The tom chuckled, "It's good to see you again," Lowering his voice, he continued, "Want to meet tomorrow night?"

"Sure!" Her eyes glowed. Glancing up at the leader's rock, she noticed they had begun to speak. "Now hush, our leaders are speaking."

I wonder why their starting without IceClan...what's going on with Gorsestar's clan?

Honeystar glanced over at the entrance to the clearing, eyes full of questions. "Does anyone know where IceClan is?" She asked the crowd.

Cats murmured quietly, shaking their heads. I really hope nothing is wrong... Glancing over at Blackshade, she realized he had a worried expression on his face. The DuskClan deputy shook off the suspicion gnawing at her, turning up to the leaders.

Honeystar stepped back, allowing Acornstar, the ShadeClan leader, to speak first. "Things have been quiet, and prey is plentiful. We will be well prepared for leaf-bare."

For a few heartbeats ShadedOak spaced out, staring up at the sky. Was Stormrunner watching her now? Hopefully he approved of her choice of mate...even if it was forbidden. But then, Stormrunner had been a medicine cat, and that was forbidden. But she couldn't shake off the feeling something with Blackshade.

It felt like he was hiding something from her. She jumped as he nudged her, eyes glittering worriedly. "You alright? You were just staring at the sky, not responding."

"Yeah...I'm fine," She replied, and turned to where her own leader had begun to speak. Should I tell him about the kits tonight?

"Things have been peaceful, and we have plenty of prey," The DuskClan leader announced. "Also, we had a problem with a badger a few days ago, but ShadedOak got rid of it with the help of a patrol."

Her clan cheered, eyes glowing the light of the full moon. Heat flushed beneath her pelt, and her eyes shone softly with pride. Honeystar leaped down, signaling the end of the Gathering. She beckoned Blackshade over to a quiet spot to speak to him.

"Can we meet tonight? I...have something to tell you. But not here." She glanced over at where the two clans were sharing other news with each other nervously.

"Tonight? Why not later?" The tom asked questioningly.

"Just meet me at our usual place," She hissed, clearly annoyed, ice-blue eyes flashing. "I can't tell you here."

"Ok, Ok! I'll see you there." Blackshade turned to follow his clanmates back home, ShadedOak staring after him, eyes glinting.

Glancing behind her, she jumped, bristling when she spotted Burnttalon. Suspicion glinted in his eyes, and after a heartbeat, raced after his clanmates.

ShadedOak watched him race away, worry in her eyes, then padded over to where her clanmates where gathered to leave. She completely erased the worry from her eyes, and it was as if she thought nothing was wrong. Shaking out her pelt, she padded after her clanmates back to camp.

The dappled-tabby waited up in a tree by the secret clearing, waiting for Blackshade. She narrowed her eyes, digging her claws into the bark. He was later than usual. On most nights, he was here before her. What was keeping him? She turned her attention to where a rustle of movement stirred the ferns down below.

He had finally arrived. The warrior stifle a gasp as she felt her kits move around suddenly. They must know this is their father. Jumping down, she faced her mate, ice-blue eyes narrowed.

"I believe you have something to tell me," She growled.

"I thought you had something to tell me! I only came because you wanted to tell me something that you couldn't say there!" Blackshade exclaimed.

A new voice joined them as a black she-cat emerged from the ferns. "So you have been hiding something."

"Vixenflame!" He gasped, eyes wide. "What are you doing here?!"

The she-cat narrowed her eyes coldly. "I could say the same thing." She flicked her tail at the DuskClan deputy meaningfully. "How could you have been running off with her, when you have kits to take care of!"

Without warning, ShadedOak snarled, anger flaring in her eyes, hiding the pain. With a hiss she leaped at Blackshade, pinning him down. "How could you?! I trusted you! You promised you didn't have someone else already!"

She raked her claws over his muzzle, ice-blue eyes as cold as the north wind. Letting him up, she glared coldly at him. "Your kits are never going to know the cat I knew. I will make sure of it." ShadedOak turned, lashing her tail, and raced away through the trees, the tom staring after her in shock.

When she was out of earshot of any other cats, she crumpled to ground, tears flickering in her eyes. "How could he not tell me..." She murmured softly, the anger fading. It was replaced by dismay and pain.

A rustle sounded to her left, and she jumped up, bristling. She relaxed as she realized it was Nettle. She gasped, "What are you doing here?"

"I thought you needed someone to help you," The brown tom murmured softly, touching noses with her. "It's like I just... knew."

Suddenly the tears in her eyes escaped, and she leaned against him,"It hurts...I knew he was hiding something, but I didn't know what. This hurts even more than losing Stormrunner." Her voice trailed off as a sob cut off the rest of the sentence.

"It's going to be alright...I'll help you through this," The tom reassured her softly. "The true reason I came was I wanted to join your clan. I couldn't bear to be away from you any longer."

"Thank you..." The reply was so soft he barely heard it. She straightened, lifting her head. "The camp is this way." She led him in the direction of the camp, the wound on her heart already healing, although it would take time for it to fully heal.

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