Chapter One

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Blackshade's POV

Blackshade lay on a rock in the forest. He yawned and closed his eyes. He hasn't gotten much sleep for the last couple of nights; Berrykit and Ashenkit kept refusing to go to sleep, so Blackshade took them out to explore their territory, and to let Vixenflame, the kits' mother, and Blackshade's mate, sleep. Suddenly, something gray leaped out of a nearby bush, and leaped onto the ShadeClan deputy, pinning him. Blackshade squinted up at the figure, the sun in his eyes. He couldn't make out who this was, so he scented the air. Stormpaw. Blackshade heard a voice.

"Great tracking skills, Stormpaw," the deputy recognized the voice of Pebblestorm, Stormpaw's mentor.

Stormpaw purred and climbed off of Blackshade. "What did you think Blackshade? Did I surprise you?" Stormpaw asked as Blackshade rose to his paws.

"I was very surprised. I didn't even scent you," Blackshade purred. "You'll make a great warrior one day."

"Did you hear that, Pebblestorm? The deputy praised me!" Stormpaw purred, his eyes shining. "I can't wait to tell Applepaw!"

Pebblestorm's whiskers twitched in amusement as his apprentice raced away to find his sister. Blackshade watched as the blue-and-cream warrior trotted away after his apprentice. Blackshade trotted away into the into the direction of the ShadeClan camp. As he entered the camp, he noticed Ashenleaf, the medicine cat, trotting out of her den, towards the nursery with a mouthful of herbs. Borage, he guessed. He trotted over to her.

"Would you like me to bring these to Vixenflame?" He asked. Vixenflame was currently the only nursing queen in the Clan. Daisyheart lived in the nursery with her, expecting a litter of kits. Ashenpelt shook her head and set down the borage at her paws.

"Thank you, Blackshade, but I'd also like to check on the kits. Just to make sure that they're not sick," Ashenpelt meowed to him. He nodded in response, but he knew just as well as she did that the kits are fine. It was greenleaf, and there hasn't been a trace of sickness in the Clan for two seasons. Blackshade knew the real reason she wanted to check on Vixenflame and the kits.

Seasons ago, Ashenpelt met a rouge named Berry. Together they had two kits. One of them was Vixenflame. The other, Pistol, died as a kit. Ashenpelt's insane brother, Riptide, killed him. Blackshade agreed to keep the medicine cat's secret, mainly because he has nothing against her, and because it would not only endanger Ashenpelt's position in the Clan, but quite possible Vixenflame's as well.

He snapped back to reality as Berrykit and Ashenkit raced up to him, pushing him over. Vixenflame came trotting after them.

"I'm sorry, they wouldn't sleep," Vixenflame picked up Berrykit by the scruff and set him down at her paws, letting Blackshade stand up again. Blackshade licked her ear and purred.

"It's alright," He purred. "It gives me an excuse to see you." Vixenflame purred, and pressed against him. "Are you coming to the gathering tonight?" Blackshade asked.

Vixenflame looked up at him. "Yes, I was planning to. Why?" Vixenflame asked. keeping an eye on Ashenkit and Berrykit.

"I just don't really think you should," he murmured. "You know, to watch the kits."

Vixenflame glanced at him. "The kits'll be fine. They have Daisyheart to watch them. And they'll be sleeping," she replied.

"Will they? They haven't slept the last couple of nights, and they don't always listen to the warriors, let alone us. The more cats to keep an eye on them, the better," the deputy pointed out.

"But then you should stay behind, if you expect me to," Vixenflame protested.

"I'm the deputy, Vixenflame. If I don't go, the other Clans will think ShadeClan is weak. And we can't let them think that, now can we?" Blackshade pointed out.

Vixenflame sighed. "No, I guess you're right," she responded.

As the sky got darker, Acornstar summoned the Clan to the entrance of the camp, telling them that it was about time to leave for the gathering. Blackshade trotted over to Vixenflame and the kits.

"You behave," he told Ashenkit and Berrykit. They both looked up at their father.

"I want to go to the gathering!" Berrykit bounced around Blackshade's paws.

"Me too! Can we, please?" Ashenkit asked. Blackshade licked her ear.

"I'm sorry, but you're too young now. When you're apprentices you'll have the chance," Blackshade told them. He licked his mate's ear. "I'll tell you what happened when we get back," he meowed to her. Vixenflame nodded and ushered the kits into the nursery.

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