Chapter Six

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Vixenflame's POV

Vixenflame sighed, and watched a patrol pad into camp. Lately, she has been keeping watch of the camp entrance, trying to keep her mind off the fact that Blackshade wasn't her mate anymore. As she looked back up, she noticed Burnttalon slip out of camp, attempting to be unnoticed. She narrowed her eyes. He sure is leaving camp more often than he used to. Vixenflame poked her head into the nursery, making sure Berrykit and Ashenkit were asleep before trotting out of the camp after the tom.

She watched as Burnttalon crossed the border ShadeClan shared with IceClan. She hesitantly stepped over after him.

"Flicker?" Vixenflame heard the brown tom call. Her eyes widened as she saw a brown-and-black she-cat step out from behind a bush.

The she-cat raced over and purred. He's cheating on Cedardawn. Of course. And with a rogue! Vixenflame narrowed her eyes, and slipped away from them, racing back over the border and into camp.

She spotted Cedardawn and sat down next to her. The she-cat cringed a bit and scooted away. Vixenflame snorted.

"You know Burnttalon is cheating on you, now," Vixenflame licked a paw and drew it over her head.

Cedardawn blinked. "He's doing what?!"

"Yeah, he's cheating on you. I saw him cross the IceClan border to go meet a rogue. Flicker is her name, I think."

Cedardawn hissed. "That idiot doesn't know what he's getting into."

"Yeah, it's a real shame. You thought he loved you. But no, it turns out he loves another she-cat." Vixenflame taunted her.

Cedardawn glared at her. "Okay, I get it, you don't have to rub it in."

"Oh, but I do. It's only fair, since you taunted me, when Blackshade cheated on me." Vixenflame hissed.

Cedardawn glared at Vixenflame. "It's bad enough that Burnttalon cheated. I don't need you to act like you're the best she-cat in the world, here. Because Blackshade cheated on you twice. That proves he hates you. A lot."

Vixenflame flinched. "I- he doesn't hate me,"

Cedardawn snorted. "Yeah, right."

The black-and-ginger she-cat shook her head. "You're lying." Vixenflame quickly got to her paws and trotted away. Blackshade doesn't hate her. After all, he apologized, didn't he? But, that didn't explain why he cheated. Vixenflame shook her head. She'd figure things out soon enough. She glanced across the camp, seeing Blackshade and Slatefall. Slatefall looked unusually.. happy? Vixenflame squinted, and stared at them. No, it can't be. She shook her head. The watched as Slatefall and Blackshade trotted out of camp- together. Vixenflame hissed. She stormed into the nursery as Ashenkit woke up.

"Vixenflame, where's Blackshade?" She blinked.

"Blackshade is uh, hunting," Vixenflame licked Ashenkit's ear. "Don't worry, he'll be back soon." I hope.

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