☆ 27 ☆

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uwu i think i'll be making an art book, pls check it out bbs ~
"King of Earth, Amaimon was recently seen shopping with an omega. Witnesses say they looked very close! Perhaps The king is finally off the market..." Amaimon switched the tv off with a groan, falling back into the couch.
"What was that all about?" Rin walked in, still in his pyjamas but drying his hair with a towel. It seemed he couldn't be bothered for regular clothing right now.
"Nothing important. Just some idiots." Amaimon grumbled, and Rin sat next to him with a hum.
It had become a regular occurrence for Amaimon to dry Rin's hair.
Rin stared at the demon in front of him, grumbling something about him being a bastard.
Amaimon rolled his eyes, "You know we have to... he's my brother... kind of yours too."
Rin glared at him dangerously, and Amaimon growled softly.
"I'll have to wash off your scent. I'm not going. He can burn for all I care." Rin mumbled, moving to walk away.
Amaimon couldn't even be annoyed at that, and sighed.
"Rin, you don't have to wash off my scent. We just need to go meet him, he's your guardian right now..." Amaimon tried again, staring down at the mess of blankets Rin glared at him from.
The omega had been showing signs of being in heat, when he shouldn't be. They needed to meet Mephisto at the clinic to get Rin checked out, and Mephisto was sure to lecture Rin about running off before.
It was Mephisto's fault.
He'd trusted some stupid alpha he'd only known for a few weeks to look after Rin, when he could've trusted Amaimon.
Amaimon returned his attention to Rin, who seemed to be thinking about whether it was worth leaving his nest.
"I'm kinda comfy here though..." Rin mumbled, pulling a blanket closer to him.
Amaimon wanted to join him, he really did, but they had to get going before they missed the appointment.
"You can bring a blanket... and I'll give you a piggyback ride so you don't have to walk." Amaimon sighed, watching Rin's face light up.
"Hell yeah!"
Rin was unimpressed. The piggyback was only five minutes when they walked in the clinic.
People gave him odd looks and he wanted to rip out their eyeballs and feed them to them.
"Okay." Epta clapped his hands with a smile, "Rin, you're showing signs of being in heat?"
Rin shrugged, mumbling a small 'apparently' in return. Mephisto hadn't said anything to the two, except a congratulations on being accepted to Amaimon. It made Rin feel disliked.
Epta frowned, moving forward to sniff at Rin, who flinched away with a confused look.
"Amaimon, you've scented him pretty thoroughly..."
"He is my mate." A glare was sent to the silver haired male, who raised his hands in defence.
"Right, right. Well, your mate is going to have to join me in the examination room so that I can confirm my theory." Rin frowned, giving Amaimon an uneasy look. Amaimon returned it.
Rin was cherry red when the two returned from the room, and he looked away from Epta in embarrassment.
The omega had done some omega check ups on Rin, which was awkward to say the least.
Epta kept saying it was normal though.
He took a seat next to Amaimon, scooting his seat closer than it had been before, and rested his head on the alphas shoulder.
He was getting tired, and Amaimons scent reacted to calm him.
Epta coughed, from where he was leaning against his desk, and all eyes were on him.
"It's nothing serious, just some hormonal issues. It's probably because he was raised in Assiah, but there's heat hormones going around his body which is why he's acting all... needy." Epta winced at his own words, and Rin blinked.
It made sense, honestly.
Rin felt Amaimon tense, and looked up in question, only to receive a small smile.
"Epta, can I talk to you for a sec?" Amaimon asked, and Epta nodded.
Mephisto clicked his tongue, and dragged Rin from the room.
Amaimon waited until the door clicked closed before speaking.
"So... other than the hormones, is there anything wrong with Rin? With his... omega stuff?" Amaimon looked away from the omega in front of him, noting the change in his scent.
"Would it be an issue for you if Rin was unable to conceive?" Epta's tone was sharp, and Amaimon winced.
"No, I just want to make sure he's alright. Is there anything wrong?" Epta sighed, and Amaimons scent spiked in worry.
"I don't know..." Another sigh, before he cracked a smile, "Best thing to do is try I guess." Epta winked, and Amaimon rolled his eyes.
"Very funny. We all know I'm not getting there anytime soon." Amaimon grumbled, before he raised his hand in a wave and left the room.
Epta sighed, throwing his papers onto the desk.
He needed a drink.

༄ B i t t e n ༄Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora