Chapter 40

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In the days that passed since the crew's escape from Navarone, life on the Going Merry has been a peaceful one.

Today is no exception with everyone is doing their daily routine either on the deck or indoors. All but Rose, who's in the crow's nest, and studying on her devil fruit all day. When she looked inside the backpack that she took from Navarone, it not only held the three books that Lily gave her for her research, but also the devil fruit index that she first read to blend in.

She was only skimming the pages when she was in disguise, but now that she has time to pay attention to it, she's studying all she can about the secrets of her devil fruit.

The wind girl happily grins at the cheat sheet, when she feels ready to practice some of the moves that are recorded. She puts her book into her backpack, and holds her hand up to her eye level. She keeps her palm directed to the sky and begins to concentrate.

She narrows her eyes to her hand before wind starts to gather on her hand. She chuckles at the result, when the wind swirls around on her palm to appear as an orb of air. The brunette keeps a look of satisfaction on her face as she makes it spin in her hands faster, and reminds her of Naruto's rasengan.

She looks up at the afternoon sky to see that there aren't any clouds for her to throw it, then looks down for a target. She scans that deck for something to throw it at, and finds a barrel by the door.

She grins at the target as she aims her wind at it then throws it. As soon as she releases the ball, she chuckles in victory of it going straight to the target.

However, that victory is short lived, because when it's halfway to the barrel, it curves to the right and heads to the railing where Usopp, Chopper, and Luffy are fishing! "OH FUCK, GUYS BEHIND YOU!"

The three of them turn their heads, but it was too late because the attack hits Luffy's back and sends him flying in a spin.

Usopp and Chopper drop their jaws at how their captain flew ten feet off the ship in an instant, before Rose catches him on a gust of wind.

Rose sighs in relief as she brings Luffy back to the ship and flies down beside them. "Sorry about that. I was practicing a new move and it went haywire."

Luffy grins at the wind girl as he feels his feet placed back on the deck. "Don't worry about it, that move was great."

Rose returns the smile before she looks at the other fishermen. "You guys catch anything?"

Chopper frowns in disappointment as she reels his line back in to show nothing. "No..."

Usopp sighs in disappointment as he reels his line in to show the same result. "Yea, they're not biting. You guys want to do something else?"

Luffy nods as he grins at them. "Yea, let's play truth or dare! Rose, you're playing too!"

The wind girl chuckles at the order and nods. "Sure."

The captain runs off to see who else would be willing to pay while Rose, Chopper and Usopp take a seat in the middle of the deck.

In a matter of minutes, Luffy returns to the group but the only other crew mate that he could convince to play with them was Nami.

The navigator sits cross legged next to Rose, while Luffy takes a seat to make it so the group's in a circle.

Rose looks to the red head with mild confusion. "How'd he get you to play?"

Nami gives her a small smirk as she puts a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "I wouldn't miss a chance to play this game with you guys."

Rose gets suspicious of what she's planning when Luffy speaks up. "So, how do we play?"

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