Chapter 36

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Deep within the caverns of the cliff, where Navarone holds their prisoners, Lieutenant Drake is growing more furious by the minute as his prisoner refuses to give him the information he desires.

"For the last time, tell me how your crew got here!" Drake demands as he rubs both his fists on the opposite sides of Zoro's head as hard as he can.

The swordsman groans at the annoying technique, and stays seated on the floor in front of the marine. With his hands cuffed behind his back and his swords locked in a different prison cell, he can't do a lot without making his situation worse, so he only stares up at the man in irritation. "Are you hard of hearing or something? I already told you how our crew got here."

Drake growls at the unbelievable tale as he stops giving him a noogie and glares down at him. "You expect us to believe that your ship fell from the sky, thanks to an octopus balloon?"

Zoro shrugs his shoulders with a small smirk as he leans his back against the rock wall behind him. "Think what you want, but it won't change the truth."

Drake clenches his fists as tight as possible before he decides to change his tactic. "You know, you don't need to protect them anymore."

Zoro loses his smile at the statement and furrows his eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

"The taboo user studying hell's comet. You made up this pathetic excuse to protect them, right? I hate to break it to you, but that pirate is long gone."

Zoro is vaguely familiar with Rose's research in that he knows that it's a taboo about other worlds, but she never got into detail about it with any of them. He saw her sneeze off the ship, so he knows that this marine is lying to him. However, he doesn't need to tell that to the guard, so he plays along by narrowing his eyes at the man defiantly. "How do you know?"

Drake begins to smirk, when he feels like he's making progress, and kneels down to be at his eye level. "We found the crystal, that's still holding the comet's power, in your ship's bathroom. You ship wound up here because the astronomer's experiment went wrong, am I right? If you give me full detail about who the taboo user is, and how your ship wound up at our base, I'll talk to the commander about going easy on you."

The swordsman remains frozen in place when he remembers the weird glowing items that Rose freaked out about in the bathroom just before the ship fell. With the way that those items vanished, he now knows that Rose was using those gems to experiment with the comet's power. What he doesn't understand though is why did she keep this a secret from him and the others? If she had been more careless, it could've been the ship, along with the crew that disappeared instead.

"Well Roronoa, what's your answer?"

Zoro snaps out of his trance when he remembers his situation, then smirks at Drake as he un-crosses his legs. "You know something? You talk too much."

Drake looks at him in confusion before Zoro kicks him straight in the gut so hard that it sends him flying backwards until his back hits the sea stone bars behind him.

"Lieutenant Drake!" The seven men, who are guarding the outside of Zoro's cell, call out to their leader worriedly as they go to unlock the door.

However, Drake doesn't care as he gets up and glares at the smug pirate. "Why you!"

"Sir, we have a report of a strange man, with a long nose, at the docks where the pirate ship is!" Another marine calls out as he runs to the scene.

Drake stops himself from beating the crap out of Zoro thanks to the news, and turns to the rest of his men. "Don't let this man out of your sight until I return with the next prisoner!"

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