Chapter 42

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The sun has just finished setting on the Grand Line with the majority of the crew settling for bed. All but a flustered astronomer who's on night watch in the crow's nest.

Why she's un-eased you might ask? Well, it's because ever since the night she and her captain enjoyed the festival together, she can't get him out of her mind. Rose tried to forget about her little revenge kiss at the end of their date, but nothing seems to work. Whenever she sees Luffy, she even grows happier than she normally does and sometimes would feel her heart race even when he's not hugging her. She doesn't want to admit it, but she fears that she unsealed some hidden feelings that she's been harboring for her captain.

Somewhere in the back of her mind, she even thinks that Luffy might feel the same from how he gets upset when guys hug her, and shows affection to her both awake and asleep.

The brunette groans to herself as she shakes her head to force herself to get a grip on reality. She knows that Luffy's just hugging her to try to cure her 'allergy to affection'. He probably doesn't want guys to hug her, because he didn't want guys to mistake her blush for liking them...

She scowls at the weird explanation, that she can only half believe, but it makes more sense to her than for the future pirate king to have romantic feelings for her. Back when she read the manga and saw the anime in her world, she saw at least ten people show some form of interest in her captain, and he didn't bat an eye for them.

Why would she be any different?

Her frown deepens at the self-deprecating question and quietly sighs. All she's doing is making herself feel worse, so she's going to try getting rid of her romantic feelings by using her guitar to play her heart out. As a kid, the guitar worked to get some of her emotions out of her system when fighting didn't work, so this might help her out at least for tonight.

She grabs her instrument from the other side of the crow's nest and sets it on her crossed legs. With a song in mind to release her confusing feelings, she begins to hit the chords to 'Force of Nature' by Bea Miller.

I don't know why but my hands are shaking~

I can see you coming and I stand here waiting~

Yeah, I get tongue tied in the conversation~

It's an F'd up, bad, sick situation~

She chuckles to herself, when she remembers how stubbornly she refused Luffy's recruitment throughout Alabasta. She truly tried to keep herself from dragging the crew to her problems, but the captain's own stubborn attempts to keep her around were hard to avoid. Especially when, somewhere along the way, she grew too close to want to leave.

I tried to tie my heart down, board up all the windows~

Oh, but it's too late now~

I let you get too close~

I know I should take cover, hide inside these four walls~

But baby I surrender, it all~

'Cause you're a force of nature~

Look at what you've done~

I can taste the danger but I don't wanna run~

So pull me to the ground and I won't put up a fight~

I'm a caution taker, but baby you're a force of nature~
Baby you're a force of nature~

When she sang out those lyrics, she realized how true they were about her captain. No matter what challenge came his way, he would face it head on and without hesitation. He never gives up on the impossible, and that's just one of the many things that she admires about him.

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