Chapter 26

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While most of the crew were shocked at Robin's theory, that there's a sky island, Luffy only thought of the new adventures that are up there, and looks at her with stars in his eyes. "An island can really float?!"

Usopp looks from the sky to the skeleton, that's lying dead on the deck, in pure astonishment. "You're saying that the shipwreck and skeleton came from up there?!"

When Chopper sees nothing out of the ordinary up there, he looks at Robin in confusion. "That can't be right, there's nothing up there."

Robin shakes her head as she turns to the others. "It's not like a regular island. It's more like it's on a floating ocean."

"That's even more confusing." Zoro says as he looks up at the normal blue sky along with the others.

"There's a floating island on a floating sea?! Well, let's go!" Luffy calls out, but he was only answered with Robin growing arms off his shoulders, to cover his mouth, and knock him down.

Sanji sighs at his captain's over excitement as he lights his cigarette. "This ship can't go up captain."

Robin keeps her hands on Luffy's mouth as she keeps going. "While I have heard rumors, I've never seen a sky island."

"That's because it's impossible!" Nami says as she looks at her log pose. "The log pose has to be broken. There's no such thing as a sky island."

Rose sighs at Nami's disbelief as she looks to the broken galleon. "I wouldn't be saying that Nami. A sky island can very well be up there for all we know."

Robin nods in agreement, as she releases her arms from Luffy. "Wind-chan has a point. We shouldn't be worrying about the log pose, but about how we can go up."

Luffy, Usopp and Chopper blink at the conclusion before they turn to the wind girl, with innocent desire in their eyes.

"Not happening." Rose says bluntly, without even sparing the three of them a glance.

The trio widen their eyes at the quick refusal before Usopp tries to defend them. "You don't know what we're gonna ask!"

Rose chuckles at the accusation, as she crosses her arms over her chest, and smirks at him. "Oh yea? I bet you guys are gonna ask me to use my wind to bring the ship up to the sky. If I'm wrong, then go ahead, and tell me what you wanted."

The three of them don't say a thing, so she starts floating off the deck. "I thought so. It's not like I wouldn't, but I can't take things out of the water with my wind. I don't know how long I could keep a ship flying up anyway. I'm gonna go to the shipwreck, to see if we can find another way there."

She flies towards the wreck while Luffy stretches his arms to the broken ship to grab onto it. Usopp clings onto the captain, before Luffy rockets the two of them onto the boat, then look around the contents along with Rose.

As the three of them search through the ruins of the slowly sinking ship, Luffy sees a crate floating toward him. He stretches his arm to grab the box and lifts the lid to find stacks of paper. He grows confused by the old papers, as he digs through them, until he stops at a map that's titled 'Skypiea'.

He grins at the detailed map in pure excitement. as he turns to Rose and Usopp. "Guys, look! I found a-! AH!"

The hull of the ship, that he was standing on, sinks into the water and takes him down with it. Luffy tries his best to stay afloat but he's quickly sinking. "Help!"

Usopp looks at his captain in shock before he dives into the water to go after him.

Rose quickly grabs a coil of five-foot rope from the wreck, and flies above the ship just before the rest of the remains sink into the ocean. When Usopp swims back to the surface, with Luffy in his arms, his eyes were met with an end of the rope dangling in front of him.

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